Are We Smart Enough to Know How Smart Animals Are?

Free Are We Smart Enough to Know How Smart Animals Are? by Frans de Waal

Book: Are We Smart Enough to Know How Smart Animals Are? by Frans de Waal Read Free Book Online
Authors: Frans de Waal
(Goffin’s cockatoo), 103
    fish, 25
    cooperation between, 198–200, 198
    discus, 74, 75
    and mirror image, 242
    shapes of, 75
    fission-fusion society, 262
    fixed action patterns, 37
    Flo (chimpanzee), 170
    Foerder, Preston, 16
    Fons (chimpanzee), 1
    fox, 8
    FoxP2 gene, 109
    Franje (chimpanzee), 1, 2, 3, 213
    Frankfurt, Harry, 223–24
    Freud, Sigmund, 151
    Frisch, Karl von, 11, 61
    frontal lobes, 124
    fruit flies, 162
    function, 44, 320
    interpretation of, 108
    vs. mechanism, 73–74, 158
    future planning, 212–21, 229
    Galileo Galilei, 113
    Gallup, Gordon, 48–49, 50, 240, 241, 265
    Ganzheitsbetrachtung (holistic contemplation), 19–21, 61
    Garcia, John, 57–58, 59, 270
    Garcia Effect, 58, 320
    Gardner, Allan, 144
    Georgia (chimpanzee), 111, 130–31, 154
    ghost box test, 159
    gibbons, 13–15
    as arboreal, 14–15
    hands of, 14–15, 14 , 157
    tool use skills lacked by, 81
    Gingrich, Newt, 169
    Goethe, Johann Wolfgang von, 125
    goldfinches, 89
    Goldfinch, The (Tartt), 89
    Gombe Stream, 221
    Goodall, Jane, 68, 78, 264
    In the Shadow of Man, 169–70
    goodbye, saying, 2–3
    in Hominoid family, 80–81
    in mirror test, 240
    tool use by, 81–82
    goslings, 37, 40
    Goualougo Triangle, Republic of Congo, 79
    Grande (chimpanzee), 64 , 65
    Grandin, Temple, 101
    greeting, 2, 21, 25, 26
    Greg (colleague), 115–16, 117
    Griffin (parrot), 104, 225, 226
    Griffin, Donald, 28, 104, 265
    and cognitive ethology, 26–27, 157, 266
    on consciousness, 23
    on echolocation, 10, 11, 22
    The Question of Animal Awareness, 22, 169
    Guapo (capuchin monkey), 180
    gulls, 37, 38
    Gumert, Michael, 87–88
    Hall, Katie, 130–31
    Hampton, Robert, 230, 232–33
    evolution of, 74
    opposable thumbs, 75
    of primates, 14–15, 14 , 157
    Hanlon, Roger, 250, 252
    Happy (elephant), 18
    Hare, Brian, 138
    Harlow, Harry, 35
    Harris’s hawks, 191
    Hattori, Yuko, 135
    Hauser, Marc, 121
    headflagging, 179–80
    hedgehogs, 75
    Heisenberg, Werner, 7, 15
    hello, saying, 2
    hippocampus, 220–21
    HIV-1 virus, 161
    Hobbes, Thomas, 168
    hominization, 122
    Hominoid family, 80–81, 87, 120, 125, 127, 160–61, 241, 243
    Homo faber, 78
    homology, 74 , 75, 83, 117, 221, 274, 321
    honey badgers, 88–89
    honeybees, 107
    waggle dance of, 11
    Hopkins, Bill, 137
    Hopper, Lydia, 159
    Horner, Victoria, 152–53, 156, 252
    horses, 189
    hostility, redirected, 181
    Huffman, Michael, 154
    human behavior:
    displacement activity, 226–27
    evolutionary approach to, 187
    human children:
    apes compared with, 141–46, 145 , 151, 152–53, 187, 192
    delayed gratification in, 224, 225–26, 227
    empathic perspective taking, 135–36
    generosity of, 256
    self-awareness of, 242, 243
    human cognition, and animal cognition, 5, 121, 157, 268
    human exceptionalism, 124–29, 152
    anthropocentralism, 162
    and continuity, 221
    moratorium on, 158–59, 163
    scientists’ bias toward, 22, 141, 153, 157, 187–88, 192, 206, 241, 268
    human hands, 14
    human immunity, 161
    human mind, and Wallace’s Problem, 122–23
    human soul, 123
    Hume, David, 268–69
    Hume’s Touchstone, 269, 321
    hunger reduction model, 35–36
    hunter-gatherers, 274
    hunters, teamwork among, 190, 191, 199–200
    Hussein, Saddam, 203
    hyenas, 186
    iceberg metaphor, 125, 128, 132
    ichthyosaurs (extinct marine reptiles), 75
    IgNobel prize, 261
    Imanishi, Kinji, 51, 60, 61, 258, 263–64, 275
    imitation, 151–56
    of body movements, 159
    and conformist bias, 253, 255
    conspecific, 152–54, 156
    and culture, 151–52, 175
    definition, 151
    overimitation, 153, 321
    redefining, to prove a biased theory, 152–53
    selective, 153, 161, 321
    survival value of, 255–56
    true, 126, 151, 153, 322
    without rewards, 154
    Imo (macaque), 51–53
    Infant Chimpanzee and Human Child (N. Kohts), 96
    inferential reasoning, 54–55, 321
    information seeking, 231–33, 231
    infrasound, 238
    inhibitions, 222–23
    Inman, Alastair, 232–33
    innate, definitions of, 40, 56
    innate releasers, 37
    In Search of Lost Time (Proust),

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