Buzz (The Riley Brothers Book 1)

Free Buzz (The Riley Brothers Book 1) by E. Davies

Book: Buzz (The Riley Brothers Book 1) by E. Davies Read Free Book Online
Authors: E. Davies
same, I bet. That was the night of the game, but... “Wednesday's great,” he murmured, his eyes flickering between Noah's. He took both of Noah's hands, swaying closer for a proper good night kiss.
    This one was slower and sweeter, but there was a sensual tinge to it, too. Parted lips rubbed across each other's for a few moments before he pulled back. The brush of warm breath, the tingle of firm, kiss-swollen lips together... “Good night,” Cameron murmured.
    “Good night,” Noah answered, letting go of Cameron's hands with a smile and a wink. He trotted up the wooden steps to his door, fumbling for his keys. Cameron waited until Noah had them before walking off.
    This time, Cameron glanced back at the same moment as Noah. They shared a smile just for a moment, and then Cameron crossed the street again through the early evening.
    Cameron's whole body still tingled. He was certain he was going to be glowing even when he got back to Jackson's place.
    Fuck, I can't wait for a house of my own. More than that... Fuck, I'm crushing on Noah.
    It wasn't the closely-guarded affair he'd expected. It wasn't secrecy and trying to tiptoe around to keep this potential new guy in his life happy. It was... light, fun, and sexy.
    A date the same day we'll hear back about the house.
    What a day that was going to be.

Chapter 12
    That was the best first date Noah had ever been on.
    At first, he hardly remembered why he was rolling out of bed with a smile on a Tuesday morning when it was raining outside. It took just seconds to remember: the guy who had listened so well to him, walked him to his door, kissed him like a fucking rock star ...
    “Oh, man,” Noah groaned as he rolled out of bed for the shower. Even thinking of Cameron made his body tingle, and then there was their good night texts. Only a couple, back and forth:
    I had a great time. Thank you for coming out with me. Safe walk home, Noah had sent.
    Minutes later, Cameron had answered, So did I. You're cute. Can't wait for Wednesday. Good night xx.
    Were those hugs or kisses? Noah had fallen asleep last night trying to decide.
    He scrubbed his body, well aware that he craved the attention he hadn't gotten last night.
    Oh, fine. What could it hurt? He had a spare few minutes to spend thinking about Cameron holding him firmly, kneading into Noah's back to drag him closer...
    Even if it was just friends with benefits, Cameron was fucking hot and Noah would agree to it. He just... hoped for more. Cameron's words had been so promising.
    Instead, Noah turned his attention to the memory of Cam's “gonna fuck you” eyes.
    Noah hunched into his raincoat for the walk to work and grimaced when his cellphone rang. The number was the director of the hockey arena hosting his art exhibit.
    It's gonna be one of those days. Everyone's going to ask things of me. He shoved his phone under his hood to keep it dry and hunched forward a little. “Hello?”
    “Hi, Noah. It's Jason. Miserable morning out there, isn't it?”
    Out here, Noah thought but didn't comment. Some people still thought he was a bit weird for walking to work even though he only lived ten minutes' walk away. “Yeah, it is. April showers, right?”
    “Bring May flowers? I hope you're right. So, about this little exhibition...”
    Little exhibition? Noah bit back his annoyance. “Right?”
    “The board is thinking of giving you half the space for the exhibition and reserving the other half for our permanent awards display.”
    No way. Jason had always been pretty straight-up with him, but there were bullshitters behind the scenes. “Why?”
    Jason hummed. There was a story behind this. “Well, let's just say... someone with a particular attachment to the place thinks it's more important.”
    An ex-hockey player, then. Noah groaned. “I've commissioned stuff already – I've done a lot of work. Giving me half the space at the last moment? That wasn't our agreement..”
    “I know,” Jason said. “I'm sorry.

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