Eternal Kiss

Free Eternal Kiss by Trisha Telep

Book: Eternal Kiss by Trisha Telep Read Free Book Online
Authors: Trisha Telep
squeezed once and let go. Reaching inside his jacket, he pulled out a mini crossbow, loaded a small bolt andaimed it at them. “Don’t come any closer,” he said.
    They stopped. A street light illuminated their pale and gaunt faces. Resembling half-starved street punks, they wore ripped baggy jeans that sagged around thin waists, exposing colorful boxers. A ton of bling hung from their necks on thick gold chains. Hoods had been pulled up.
    Ava recognized Grinning Skull from the bus. His friend’s shirt had skeletons playing in a band on it, and a cobra design wrapped around the punk on the right’s sleeve.
    “You can only shoot one of us before we move,” Grinning Skull said. “That leaves two and I doubt your girlfriend is armed.”
    Ava’s stomach twisted as the small bit of confidence she had gained by learning a few self-defense moves fled.
    “She knows nothing about this,” Jarett said. “Her bus will be here soon. Once she goes, we can … talk.”
    Skeleton Band cackled. The sound scraped like glass against stone. “You didn’t tell her about us? What a naughty boy you’ve been, Jarett White Hawk. Tisk, tisk.”
    “Irresponsible,” Cobra agreed. “Jarett will pay with his life. Like father like son.”
    “And the girl?” Skeleton Band asked.
    “Ours.” Grinning Skull looked at Ava with hunger.
    Ice pumped through her veins yet she felt hot and sweaty.
    The three advanced.
    “Run,” Jarett ordered. He shot the crossbow, hitting Cobra in the stomach.
    Before she even moved, the punks flickered. One second they stood fifteen feet away, the next they surrounded Jarett and Ava. Like a cartoon. Except this is like a badly-drawn horror cartoon.
    Jarett dropped the crossbow, pulled a bottle from his pocket, and tossed water into Skeleton Band’s face. The punk shrieked as his skin melted and steamed.
    Another flicker and Grinning Skull grabbed Ava in a steel grip. She couldn’t move. Panicked, she yelled for Jarett, but he was caught tight by Cobra. Grinning Skull opened his mouth. The putrid stench of decay gagged her. He bent close to her face. She cringed as his ice-cold cheek brushed hers.
    When he bit her neck, she screamed. She never thought she’d be the kind of girl to scream, but terror and pure revulsion had built inside her to such a degree that screaming was the only way to release it.
    Grinning Skull pushed against her as if slammed from behind. He grunted and went slack, knocking Ava to the ground. He landed on top of her. A dead weight. She stared at his face and nausea boiled up in her throat. The skin disintegrated before her eyes, peeling off the bone, which crumbled into powder.
    Ava kicked the dusty clothes off of her. She wanted to puke, to scream and to faint, but she held it together and focused on Jarett and Bossemi. The master fencer held a wood sword. Two piles of clothes lay at his feet—the remains of Cobra and Skeleton Band.
    Bossemi gestured to the clothes and shoes. Jarett swept them up.
    “All’interno. Rapidamente!” he barked before running to the Academy.
    Ava scrambled upright and followed him with Jarett fast on her heels. When the door shut behind them, they sagged with relief.
    “Sandro, I’m—” Jarett started.
    “Idiota.” Bossemi turned to Ava. “Prossimo … Come. We must clean your wound.”
    In all the excitement, she had forgotten about the bite. Pain throbbed when she touched her neck. Blood coated her fingers. Her vision blurred, but a sharp order from Bossemi snapped her out of it. She didn’t even realize Jarett supported her until they reached his office.
    She met Jarett’s gaze. He looked miserable. But she didn’t have time to question him. Bossemi instructed her to lie down flat on his couch. He put a towel under her neck.
    “This will hurt,” he said.
    When he brandished a spray bottle and metal hook-shaped tool, she closed her eyes. He might not have much of a couch-side manner, but he was honest. It hurt. By the time he had

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