Breaking Free

    Chapter 10:  July 24 (Day 6)
    We had almost finished our first week and were starting to get into a routine.  Mornings were for chores and grunt work if you were unlucky enough to be assigned any, while afternoons consisted of various other activities like fly fishing, orienteering, or, my favorite, rock climbing lessons.  We hadn’t actually climbed a rock yet, but Jason prepared us so that once we got to the right location, we’d be able to give it a try.  We also had therapy sessions with Chris.  Those I dreaded because she tried to force me to talk about my past when I spent all my energy trying to forget about it.  I think she was disappointed by my lack of progress on that front, but I wasn’t about to open up.
      The morning of the sixth day, we had to pack up our gear and start hiking to a new location.  We were supposed to do it two days earlier, but Chris’ carefully timed agenda had to be modified.  It seemed she hadn’t accounted for Neeky’s delayed withdrawal symptoms due to his contraband.  Even so, he was still in rough shape with enough sweat covering his head he looked like he just came out of the shower.  That was before we had even started hiking.  Plus, he had a headache.  We all knew that because he told us every five minutes.  At least I was no longer the one people hated.  All it took was someone to be even more annoying and disagreeable than I was the first few days.
    I was fortunate we had a few extra days at the first campsite because it allowed my blisters to heal.  I also opted to leave a few of my things in the storage container for the next group so my pack wouldn’t be so heavy.  It pained me to discard my practically full tub of cucumber-avocado body scrub, but anything that weighed more than a few ounces had to go.  I didn’t want to be the one slowing us down again.  Plus, it wasn’t like anyone out there appreciated freshly buffed skin.  Hell, they didn’t even appreciate basic hygiene like brushed hair or wearing more than one shirt per week.
    We walked in a single-file line with Chris at the front, followed by Bling, me, JC, Neeky, Mia, and Jason at the rear.  Neeky and Mia had developed a bit of a friendship like me and JC, but by halfway through the hike I could see Neeky’s behavior even wearing on Mia.
    “I’m done!” he yelled.  “How do you expect me to walk for miles when I feel like someone’s slicing my head open with an axe!”
    Chris stopped and turned around.  “You should have thought of that before you started drinking.  We delayed as long as we could.  Now you have to face the consequences of your decision.”
    “ Go to hell,” he said and fell to the ground, cradling his head in his hands.  He’d regret that in the morning.
    “We’ll stop here for lunch.”  Chris lowered her pack to the ground and removed energy bars and fruit , which she handed to everyone.
    When Neeky refused her offering, she said, “Eating will make you feel better.”
    “Nothing will make me feel better.”
    “Trust me, you’re not the first one I’ve seen going through this out here.”  She reached into her pocket and pulled out a white bottle.  “Here’s some more aspirin, too.”
    That he accepted .  After a few minutes, he also ripped into his energy bar and chomped on pieces while Mia tried to offer soothing commentary that only seemed to agitate him even more.
    “Am I going to need to carry your pack today?” JC asked, swallowing his last s ection of orange.
    “Please.  There were extenuating circumstances last time.”
    “Extenuating circumstances?  Like your foul mood?”
    “Ha, h a,” I replied, rolling my eyes.
    Rocking his shoulder into mine, he said, “It’s totally different to see someone else actin g like that, huh?”
    I didn’t bother giving him an answer.  After a few moments, he continued , “I was a little disappointed you got rid of all your lotions and potions.  You know

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