Sci Spanks
    I knew what he wanted. I'd heard of this before, there was always one he chose, one unlucky girl. "Sir, I’m ready for my punishment. Please cane me, Sir."
    With that, the first stroke fell. Inside my head it felt like I screamed to bring down mountains when the burn of it registered, but in reality, I made no sound. Instead, I watched the others watching me take mine. He struck hard and fast, starting at the center, working a pattern: one below the last, one above, one below, one above until the whole of my bottom and the top half of my thighs were covered by searing dark lines of pure fire.
    "I've nowhere left to mark," he said from behind me. The doctor came to inspect as well. "I've ten strokes left and not a patch of skin to mark. I'd hate to break her lovely skin. Doctor, do you have a suggestion?"
    It was in that moment, in the tone of his voice that I knew it was time to pay for my bravery. My stupidity. The crowd wanted our fear, they craved it. When I'd walked to the block on my own, I'd stolen that from them.
    "Proceed as you see fit, Foreman," came the words of the doctor sealing my fate.
    "Where are the jailers?" Foreman snapped.
    The two women from the preparation facility turned up and took their places on either side of me. They'd done this before.
    "Spread her."
    I knew then what he meant to do.
    "No! Please!"
    The women's hands dug into the bruised flesh of my bottom. I felt cool air on my back hole as I was spread wide open to take the last strokes directly upon my anus.
    "Please," I tried once more only to feel the smooth surface of the cane come to rest on that very tender, that very private place.
    "Be brave, now," Foreman said. "Ten. You'll count each one, you'll thank me for each one and you'll ask for the next. Should you fail, well, you won't fail, will you? Ten is plenty of punishment on this tender little hole."
    No, I would say just what he wanted how he wanted it. Ten. I could take ten. I had to. And then it would be over. Until the next time when I would know better to tremble before the crowd.
    "Ah!" my fingernails dug into the palms of my hands and I tried to clench my bottom but with my legs spread as they were and the guards pulling my cheeks apart, it was impossible. When one of the guards slapped my hip, I nearly cried but relaxed my cheeks as I was told.
    "Not so brave now, are you?" Foreman asked. "I'll give you one more moment to utter your penance or the stroke won't count."
    "Yes, Sir. Thank you ,Sir! Another stroke, please Sir."
    "You see, she is wholly repentant. Begging for her punishment even," he said to cheers from the crowd.
    "Where shall I lay the next stroke then?" he asked.
    "Across my bottom hole, Sir," I muttered, utterly shamed.
    And so they came. The next nine strokes, each one asked for, each one setting my bottom on fire and when it was over, I too was led off the stage limping between the two guards, but as I was taken toward what I thought to be my pillory, I hard Foreman call out behind me.
    "No, not there. Take that one inside…"

Author Bio
    Natasha Knight is the author of several BDSM and spanking erotic romances all of which explore the mind of the Dominant male and the submissive female, discovering just beneath the surface of each story that key element of love. Her characters are as human as she: powerful but vulnerable, flawed, perhaps damaged but with an incredible capacity to love.
    To learn more, please visit

Research Purposes Only
    Eva Lefoy

    The shuttle from Izen IV landed on Utai precisely on time. I had hoped for an early arrival as now I had less than a centiday to make my way to the exhibition. Hurrying my steps, I barely resisted pushing a slow-moving Fenorean out of my path, instead brushing by it as I exited the craft. Some species! Couldn’t they see I’m in a hurry?
    The Utai’ians had only opened their elaborate annual showcase of flowers to outside

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