Back From Chaos

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Book: Back From Chaos by Yvonne Hertzberger Read Free Book Online
Authors: Yvonne Hertzberger
came over Gaelen’s face. He rose, saying, “I am pleased that you agree. With your leave then, lady, I will have my men enter to witness the signing.”
    Marja nodded, suddenly very tired.
    Gaelen admitted the three others, who took their places behind him. The scribe, Erland, set ink and quill on the table, stood behind her and made to show her how to make her mark.
    She waved him off, bristling with indignation. “I have no need of your assistance. I am quite capable of finding where I must place my signature.”
    Gaelen actually gave a low chuckle at this. “I think you will find the Lady Marja well educated, Erland.”
    Erland remained standing to one side as she took up the quill, dipped it in the ink and affixed her signature. Then she rose, and Gaelen sat to add his own.
    A clever move, she thought. It adds legitimacy to the document.
    Marja watched, as Erland handed Gaelen his seal and held a candle flame to the yellow wax. They all witnessed him place his official stamp on it. It was done. No ceremony had taken place. No official had spoken words over them. Yet they were joined, at least formally.
    “ Thank you, gentlemen.” Gaelen rose. “Proclaim this to the people. See to it that all hear. They have a new lady.” Gaelen smiled, exuding confidence and power, as he handed the scroll to one of the guards. “Take this immediately to Argost for safe-keeping.”
    When the door closed, he turned to face Marja. He reached over to touch her face, and ran his thumb lightly down her cheek until it met the pulse at her throat.
    His touch sent a shock through her. Would he take her here and now? Is this what he intended? She forced herself not to react and stood stock still.
    When her racing pulse could not hide her fear, he withdrew abruptly, with a look of dismay and some irritation. “What is this? What do you fear so? Is my touch so abhorrent?” Then, his expression softening, he took both her hands in his.
    Marja jerked back, filled with a mix of fear and sudden fury.
    He took a step back and looked at her questioningly.
    Marja stammered, and she felt herself tremble slightly. “I had hoped for a little more time to prepare … my lord.” The words came out with effort. It was all she could do not to retreat behind the bed.
    His face grew dark. “What do you think me? That I am so filled with lust? Have I not told you I find rape distasteful? I have sworn not to harm you. Have you not believed a word?”
    “ I have agreed to be your wife. That makes it rape no longer … my lord.” Unable to hold her rigid self-control any longer she began to shudder violently, staring at him with wide-eyed wretchedness, her knees threatening to buckle.
    Marja saw a look of surprise and sudden understanding cross Gaelen’s face, as if he knew what this was, had seen it before. His anger evaporated. “My lady,” he murmured, gently taking her shaking hands again, “I am no monster, to treat you thus. I could never do so. Nor am I your enemy. My intention was merely to show you a new beginning. I swore I would never harm you. Surely to force you to lie with me would do so. Wife you may be, but I swear to you that I will never force myself upon you … however much I desire you … and I do desire you.” The last was almost a caress, a soft, throaty whisper.
    Marja shuddered so violently that she felt about to fall. As her fear ebbed with the understanding that he had never intended to rape her, so did her strength. Suddenly she needed to sit down. He let her go, and she sank into the empty chair.
    After several moments her shaking subsided. When she once more had herself under control, Gaelen spoke again. “Lady, it distresses me to see you so. If you will permit, perhaps I may see you in private tonight, and we may make a better beginning.”
    Marja sensed something had profoundly changed between them. Somehow she understood, though she could not have explained why, that he was not her enemy. The cold core that had

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