Back From Chaos

Free Back From Chaos by Yvonne Hertzberger

Book: Back From Chaos by Yvonne Hertzberger Read Free Book Online
Authors: Yvonne Hertzberger
all the privileges that implies. Our children will become the heirs of both demesnes. As well, all citizens of Catania willing to swear allegiance to you may return to their lands and livelihoods with no penalties. Young men will be required to take training in your army and to serve in any campaigns you undertake. You swear to treat them no differently from the conscripts from Bargia … This appears a generous offer, my lord, but I have some questions.” Marja looked Gaelen in the eye.
    “ Speak. I will do my best to answer them.”
    “ It strikes me that any agreement signed by a woman, who cannot, by law, hold power except as regent for an heir, may be deemed to have no legal value. Why are we playing this game when you may have what you want merely by commanding it? It strikes me that the choice you offer is really no choice at all, but merely a formality to gain my compliance.”
    Gaelen raised his eyebrows at this, then nodded, understanding dawning on his face. She could almost see him reassessing his opinion of her. Good. She wanted him to realize that she was no fool. She hoped he was learning not to underestimate her.
    “ Secondly, I need to know more about your intentions regarding the people of Catania,” Marja went on. “You are our conqueror. That puts us at your mercy.”
    “ My third question concerns my own position. At this time I am locked in a solitary room. I have no contact with anyone, no access to information about how my people fare and no one to keep me company or tend to my needs. If I agree to your plan, how soon, and in what ways, may I expect that to change? What is meant in your agreement by ‘the privileges of wife and consort’ and how soon may I see those?” She waited with rigid poise as he considered his response.
    “ It is true, lady, that there are some, possibly many, who will say our pact carries no formal weight. But I swear to uphold it. As lord, no one may gainsay me. Time will bear out my wisdom in this. The naysayers will be won over. I am confident of this. Yet I cannot offer you more than my word to convince you.” He paused to let her take this in before continuing.
    “ I intend to offer the people of Catania all the same privileges and responsibilities that I afford those of Bargia, and rule them by the same laws, provided they swear allegiance to me. I will place some of my trusted men here, along with a contingent of soldiers, to see those commands carried out. Argost will head that group. I trust him completely to carry out his duties with wisdom and loyalty.”
    Marja kept her cool silence and let him finish.
    “ As to your personal situation, I must be candid. To give you full freedom at this time would put your life at grave risk, something I am not willing to do. I assume you understand the wisdom in this. Eventually, you will have all the freedoms and privileges a lord’s wife may expect. I hope we may reach a level of trust that will enable me to discuss matters of state with you as a partner and advisor. I have already come to admire your astute grasp of politics. But that is for the future. For now you must remain under heavy, protective guard. We leave in a matter of days for Bargia. Before we do so, I hope to find two ladies to attend you. I have already made inquiries to that end.”
    When he was through he sat back and regarded her silently, appearing relaxed and confident. Marja wondered if that took as much effort as it did for her.
    She considered her reply carefully. “I do understand the need for caution. For the rest I must rely on your word. So I have no choice but to agree to your plan. However, my continued allegiance will, in some measure, depend upon how you make good on your promises. I am not a fool, and I will not be your game piece, now or ever. Betray me at your peril.” Her heart raced at her own audacity. To challenge a lord, especially one who could take your life with a mere word, was not prudent.
    A look of profound relief

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