Back From Chaos

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Book: Back From Chaos by Yvonne Hertzberger Read Free Book Online
Authors: Yvonne Hertzberger
kept her strong melted, replaced by a softer feeling that she was not sure she understood, except that it was much lighter than before. Perhaps it was hope … confusion? … desire? She could not make sense of it.
    Gaelen once more reached out to lift her chin so that he looked into her eyes. “May I visit you tonight, my lady?”
    Still unable to speak, Marja managed a small nod. He bent to brush his lips against her hair. When he withdrew, she felt she had lost something important but did not know what.
    “ There is much that needs my attention before we leave for Bargia. I can stay no longer than a few days. But I will return tonight if I can. It may be very late, so please do not wait for me. I can see you are exhausted from the events of the last days. When I return … if you waken … perhaps … with your leave,” he seemed suddenly shy and his voice fell to a low murmur, “we may make a better beginning.”
    When she gave no indication that she objected, a slightly teasing smile crept into his eyes and over his lips. “I have earned a reputation as a skilled lover. There have been no complaints.”
    Marja managed a wan smile. ”What if I request more time … my lord?”
    He sobered instantly. “I shall not press you, my lady. But the people will wish to see the staining on our sheets before we leave for Bargia.” He must have read the dismay in her expression because he grew thoughtful and added, “There are other ways of providing proof. I will bring the blood of a fowl to use if it should be necessary. I should very much like to have you completely willing. You have lost much. I can be patient.”
    Marja’s relieved smile was more heartfelt this time. “Thank you, my lord. I shall not ask more patience of you than I need.”
    Gaelen headed for the door, and as his hand fell on the latch he turned back with a conspiratorial smile. “Oh, I almost forgot. You have a visitor who is most anxious to see you.”
    Before she could question him, he was gone, leaving the door open. Within moments a wonderfully familiar figure appeared in it.

~ 14 ~
    They both exclaimed at once.
    “My lady!” and flew into each others arms, hugging tightly.
    “ Thank Earth you are well, my lady. As soon as I heard we might come back to our positions, I tried to find out if you yet lived. I had seen the bodies …” Brensa stopped abruptly. Her hand flew over her mouth in consternation, and she drew back.
    “ It is all right, Brensa. I know they are all dead.” Marja gave her another quick squeeze. “But I cannot tell you what joy it brings me to see you well. What of Nellis? How fares she, the babe, Mikost? Oh, it is good to see a familiar face. Give me all the news, quickly. They have told me almost nothing.” The questions tumbled out in rapid succession.
    Within moments, servants appeared with a copper tub, buckets of hot water, scented soap and oils, and cloths for drying. Gaelen had been true to his word. As soon as the door closed again, Marja let Brensa help her out of her gown.
    “ I will tell you all I know, my lady, but you must have your bath as we speak or it will grow cold. Let me help you. It will be as it was before.”
    Marja listened as Brensa began her tale. “Nellis escaped outside the wall with me. She breathed in some smoke and coughed a lot, but recovered and seems fine … the babe too. We thought it might come early, but then the pains stopped, and all is well now. Mikost had a burning beam fall on his arm. It is badly burned, but as long as it heals clean he should recover … though his arm may never move so well again. Until it heals he can do little work. But he lives and they are well.”
    By now Marja had sunk into the deliciously warm water. Brensa poured some over her hair and began to lather in the scented soap with practiced fingers. Through it all, she kept up her stream of chatter. So Marja just listened, enjoying the cadences of her familiar voice and

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