Free FIFTY SHADES OF FAT by Summer Goldspring

Book: FIFTY SHADES OF FAT by Summer Goldspring Read Free Book Online
Authors: Summer Goldspring
long I had been asleep. I was not on the bed; I was probably bathing in blood.
    I glanced at the bathroom at th e far corner of the big room. I heard noises from inside; I was definitely taking a bath in warm blood.
    There was a glass of bloody juice and someone’s heart cut out on the table. I always liked to have bloody juice in the morning.
    I must have asked the maid to prepare it for me.
    With a smile on my face, I took two gulps of the bloody juice, and set the glass down. It tasted great.
    On a beautiful day out on the land, I was wa lking alone, trying to go to my shit together.
    I kept thinking about why I had gone camping alone, when I should have be en focusing on where the blood was going , and then all of a sudden I fell into a black hole.
    I tried to climb up and it was hard because the rifle I was carrying in my hands was getting in the way, so I had to let go of the rifle, causing it to sink to the bott om of the black hole.
    I managed to c limb up from the hole, o nly to realize why it is that I was going camping alone on a beautiful day.
    It was a long day where I was planning to go camping and hunting on the weekend alone.
    I de cided why I wanted to go alone because most of my family and friends were busy working on the weekend or getting ready for a long camping trip later in the week.
    My mother told me not to go alone because she was worried about me , just in case I was hurt badly, and because I didn't have a lot of experience hunting or camping.
    "I want to be al one for a while Mom" I said.
    "I have too many things on my mind, and I need at least time to think about what has happened for the past month s ." I said.
    "W hy don't you come with me next week instead?" my mother asked.
    "Because I will be working alone for at least a year since my vampire friend is goin g on a holiday for a few months, " I answered.
    "There are other people who want to go with you this w eekend," she continued. . I brought the necessary equipment to g o out camping.
    I bought fuel for the fire.
    I agreed as I went home to get ready for my campi ng trip. "I'll see you soon" I said. I started to go t o the location, which was about 1 7 5 kilometers from town.
    After a couple hours of driving I stopped for a break and to have a cup of blood.
    As I looked arou nd for a good path I saw a group of vampires in the distance and ign ored it.
    While having a rest, I thought of how I would go hunting afte r setting up camp near them. I took a short rest.
    The location has an abundance of vampires lurking around .  After I finished the blood, I put my supplies in a box.
    I drove on to the vampires camping site, while looking at them . They invited me to camp with them.
    After drinking some blood, I got ready to hunt for more blood .
    Refueling my appetite , and putting some hunting e quipment into a small bag, he I then drove away to the location of where I saw the vampires.
    As I drove, my vehicle made a weird sound coming from the engine. I stopped to ta ke a look at my engine and saw that it looked o kay, and then drove on to hunt for the vampire’s blood.
    I spotted a vampire and w ent for it, remembering what my friend taught me ab out how to get close to the vampire witho ut disturbing its sleep.
    When I got close enough I stopped.
    I shot the vampire right in the head an d quickly approached it. As I dragged the vampire away, I said to m yself: "A lright, I got my fi rst vampire ever."
    As I put the vampire into my vehicle, I started remembering what my friend taught me about how to hunt vampires and o ther animals, and started to laugh.
    I had been taught by my friend so well. I sat on my vehicle for a while until I stopped laughing . I was obviously still hallucinating.
    I stood up and tied the vampire to my vehicle and went back to my camp where a fire was burning .
    When I

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