Shattered Stars

Free Shattered Stars by Viola Grace

Book: Shattered Stars by Viola Grace Read Free Book Online
Authors: Viola Grace
framing hers, one arm around her waist and the
other holding the reins.
    “So, we are
riding on the soom for a reason?”
    “There are
thermal updrafts that make flight difficult, and the magnetic
qualities in the soil mess with electronics. We ride in; we ride
    His wings were
draped over the back of the soom, and he seemed perfectly at ease
as the strange gait took them down the hillside and into the valley
    The slow rock
of the beast beneath her was soothing. She leaned back against Mero
and looked at the world around her. Farms. There were dozens of
farms growing crops in the volcanic soil. Plants bloomed, and the
scent of fruit and pollen were in the air.
    Mero pointed
out the different crops and explained their uses.
    “Sir, why are
we here?”
    He chuckled. “I
am here to check on the harvests and make a distribution schedule
for my other worlds. This is a growth hub. The hundreds of acres in
this valley grow some of the most nutrient-rich food on this entire
    “Fair enough.
Why am I here?”
    He stroked his
hand across her ribs and hips. “Because you are mine and will be at
my side unless the situation is too dangerous.”
    He pulled her
back against him and that settled that.
    There were a
variety of species farming, and they waved at Mero as they made
their way into the heart of the farming community.
    “You will
remain with Preeahsh while I speak with the farm manager. He will
keep you safe.” Mero murmured it in her ear before pressing a kiss
to her jaw and dismounting.
    She looked at
the ears in front of her, and they flicked backward. “I am guessing
you are Preeahsh?”
    The ears
flicked rapidly, and the soom turned to stare at her. She sighed
and settled in the saddle.
    She flicked her
feet a little, a small bit of ankle was all that was exposed. Her
skirt was deep blue and had a lot of fabric. It let her straddle
the wide back without the skirt pulling. The loose top that she
wore had sleeves that covered her shoulder but were split from
wrist to armpit to allow the breezes to keep her cool while her
skin was covered from the sun’s rays.
    Her hair was
loose down her back.
    Mero left her
and wandered into the shade of a stall where samples of the fruit
and grains were laid out.
    Things were
calm, and she kept herself interested by identifying the species
working on the farm. Preeahsh had no problem remaining in
    Hannah sighed
and took up the reins. The soom was surprised, but he followed her
directions as she coaxed him into moving in a circle.
    When he was
pointed in his original direction, she smiled and patted his neck,
scrubbing her nails into his hide. He stretched his neck, and she
leaned forward to keep scratching. It gave her something to do
while she waited.
    * * * *
    Mero watched the
manager as he glanced at Hannah. Her presence was
    The crops were
doing well this year, and he was about to ask about the training of
the wild soom when a shout answered his question before it was
    The crash of a
broken fence heralded the thunder of hooves that followed. Shouts
from the occupants of the town reached Mero’s ears, and to his
shock, a sharp whistle rang out, followed by Preeahsh running
toward the sound of hooves.
    He watched
Hannah urging his favourite mount toward the escaped beasts, and
when she reached the herd, she turned so that Preeahsh was leading
the stampede.
    She whistled
sharply again and led the animals down the road before slowing them
down and turning them, leading the slow group back toward the
paddock they had escaped from.
    “Joks, you need
to have food and water for the soom when they get to the paddock.
Have men hidden and ready to close the gate that they broke
    “Yes, my lord.”
Joks ran to do as he was bid.
    Hannah was
still posed gracefully on the back of his mount, and Mero smiled.
She had obeyed his rules. She had not left Preeahsh. He would have
to make her punishment for endangering

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