The Ranger Takes a Bride

Free The Ranger Takes a Bride by Misty M. Beller

Book: The Ranger Takes a Bride by Misty M. Beller Read Free Book Online
Authors: Misty M. Beller
turned right and opened the first door she came to, leaning against it as she paused to catch her breath. It must be hard to climb so many steps carrying so much extra weight in her middle. "I thought Mama Sarita might like this room. It belonged to Jacob's Aunt Lola for many years." Anna's voice seemed to catch at the memory. "She helped raise him and was my dearest friend when I first came to the ranch. It's been hard since we lost her last year." Her voice dropped to a whisper at the end.
    A strong urge welled in Alejandra's chest to reach out and touch the other woman. Lay an understanding hand on her shoulder. She knew what it was like to lose a dear friend. But would that be appropriate toward her employer?
    Before she could make up her mind, Anna turned to face Alejandra, a forced smile coming through the tears in her eyes. Anna reached a hand to Alejandra's back, the same way Alejandra had almost done to her. "You know what it means to lose a good friend, too. It's such a comfort to have you both here."
    How had she done it? Not only had Anna set aside the boundaries of being an employer and made Alejandra feel like a friend, she'd put into words exactly what Alejandra wanted to express.
    Moisture clouded her own eyes as she stared at this kind American woman. All she could manage to choke out was, "Sí." But she could see it in Anna's eyes. She understood.
    When Anna led her to the next door and motioned for her to step inside, Alejandra sucked in a breath at the sight before her. This wasn’t what she’d expected.
    The large, sturdy pine bed dominated the middle of the room. Its exquisite quilt had a star design, pieced together from red like the stain of blackberries, forest green, and blue as vibrant as a bluebird.
    “Oh,” she breathed, stepping forward to caress the soft fabric. A flash of color in the corner of her vision brought Alejandra's attention to the windows, where curtains of the same rich red material hung from the twin windows on either side of the bed. An arm chair rested under the glass on the left, and a pine bureau and mirror to match sat in the opposite corner. The room breathed an aura of comfortable luxury.
    "This is the chamber I stayed in when Jacob's father first hired me to cook for the ranch. I loved it then." A smile touched her voice. "I haven't brought myself to change anything. Not even the quilt."
    "It's perfect." Alejandra spun to face Anna, moisture stinging her eyes again. "Thank you, Señora O'Brien. You've given so much to Mama Sarita and me. I hope one day we'll be able to repay you."
    Anna stepped forward and pulled Alejandra into a hug. A real hug, although the fullness in her midsection kept them apart. When Anna leaned back, the moisture in her eyes matched that in Alejandra's. "The only thing I want from you, Alejandra Diaz, is the gift of your friendship. And I will treasure it always."
    ~ ~ ~
    Once they'd settled in, Alejandra helped Mama Sarita with the evening meal. Anna sat in a kitchen chair, and Emmaline snuggled her doll in a miniature quilt.
    "It's time for my baby to sleep now," the little angel said in a high, make-believe tone. She started a soft humming, and rocked the little bundle with enough force to make the cloth baby seasick.
    "Are you sure I can't help with anything?" Anna asked for the third time. If it weren't for the exhaustion evident in the dark hollows under her eyes, Alejandra would have been tempted to let her chop peppers just to feel useful. But Anna needed to rest.
    "The food is under control." Mama Sarita spoke up, her tone patient and reassuring. "But you can help by telling us how the ranch runs. I did not see rooms for the vaqueros in the main house, no? They sleep in one of the other buildings?"
    Anna nodded. "Yes, Jacob built onto the bunkhouse last year. All the men sleep out there except Edward, when he's home. When he's here, he sleeps in Jacob's old room upstairs at the other end of the hall. He'll be leaving for another

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