Candace C. Bowen - A Knight Series 02

Free Candace C. Bowen - A Knight Series 02 by A Knight of Battle

Book: Candace C. Bowen - A Knight Series 02 by A Knight of Battle Read Free Book Online
Authors: A Knight of Battle
man’s vile presence.
    “Sir Talan is a friend of my brother Leofrick’s, my lord justice.”
    “I see.” With narrowed eyes, he finally acknowledged Lecie’s presence. “And who might you be?”
    Calmly meeting the arrogant man’s gaze, Lecie’s mouth felt dry. “I am Lecie, my lord justice. My father owns the local inn.”
    “You have very unusual eyes, almost golden.” Without breaking his intense stare, he called his clerk forward. “What say you about this woman’s eyes, Roger?”
    Lecie shared a startled glance with Mylla before meeting the clerk’s appraising gaze.
    “The witch drowned by your command last winter boasted eyes like this woman’s, my lord justice.”
    “I thought as much myself.” Justice de Glanville’s smile was chilling as he reached out to grip Lecie’s chin with soft pudgy fingers. “What was your mother’s given name?”
    “Elena, my lord justice,” Lecie managed in a trembling voice. “We lost her in childbirth several years past.” 
    “In that case, perhaps the witch was a distant kin of yours.” Dropping his hand, he refocused his attention on Mylla. “I am passing through on orders from the king and cannot tarry overlong. It is fortuitous that I ran into you as I have only time to pass a message on to your father.”
    “What would that message be, my lord justice?”
    Seeing Mylla close to tears, Lecie wrapped an arm around her waist to lend her support.
    Justice de Glanville took note of it with narrowed eyes. “Inform your father that once I conclude my business to the west of here, I plan on calling upon him. It would please me much that you do not present yourself in public with any non-relation until then.”
    “Shall I tell him it has to do with the king’s business, my lord justice?”
    “You may tell him it has to do with you, dear Mylla.” Reaching out, he lifted Mylla’s slender hand to his thick lips. “I shall make all haste so as not to keep you waiting overlong for my return.”

    Talan’s voice had Mylla pulling her hand away from Justice de Glanville to step back. “Sir Talan, you have returned.”
    Stepping slightly in front of Talan to block his view of Justice de Glanville, Albin addressed Lecie. “We apologize for keeping you ladies waiting so long.” Briefly dipping his head to the justice he added, “What an unexpected surprise to find you in Rochester, my lord justice.”
    “I would say the same goes for you, Sir Albin.” Puffing his slight chest out he stared up at Albin who stood a full head above him. “Last I heard it was Baron Erlegh’s duty to see to the tower construction.”
    “Indeed it is,” Albin agreed. “Only he and his lady have recently welcomed a daughter into the world so I am standing in his stead for a time.”
    “I see.” Craning his head around Albin’s broad chest, Justice de Glanville pinned Talan with his gaze. “What business do you have in Rochester?”
    “It is where my liege wishes me to be,” Talan shot back. His hand involuntarily flexing it moved towards the hilt of his sword.
    Her eyes wide with fright, Lecie caught Albin’s gaze to point the action out to him.
    Blocking Talan completely, Albin bowed to the justice. “My lord justice, if you will excuse us, we have promised to take the ladies to see the mimes and the show is about to begin.”
    “I do so wish to see them,” Lecie spoke in a nervous trill.
    “And so you shall.” Extending his arm, Albin presented it to Lecie. “Shall we depart, Talan?”
    Offering his arm to Mylla, Talan jerked his head in the justice’s direction. “My lord justice.”
    His face a mottled red, the justice was about to speak when Mylla captured his attention by dipping into a quick curtsy. “I shall pass your message along to my father, my lord justice.”
    “Easy, lass,” Albin whispered when Lecie attempted to flee the presence of the vile man. “Give me a smile and stroll with me.”
    “What if he

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