Enticed:A Dangerous Connection (Secrets)

Free Enticed:A Dangerous Connection (Secrets) by Melody Carlson

Book: Enticed:A Dangerous Connection (Secrets) by Melody Carlson Read Free Book Online
Authors: Melody Carlson
the short shadows, I figure it must be past noon by now. This room is stuffy and stale and I grow thirstier and hungrier as the day wears on. What if Tatiana forgot about me? What if I’m left here forever?
    I return to the window, peering out and wishing I could see a house or even someone passing by. But the only signs of life are birds that are busily plucking at the tiny red berries on an overgrown bush. This simply reminds me that I haven’t eaten since yesterday morning. Was it only yesterday? Or did I lose more time than that while under the influence of whatever was slipped to me in the truck?
    I bang my fist against the window, wondering how hard I must pound to break the glass or if that’s even possible. Then I imagine my fist going right through and severing a main artery. Would anyone come to my aid? Probably not. Besides, even if I could break the glass, what good is it if no one is outside to hear me? Plus I remember Tatiana’s warning that she and Jimmy will hurt me in places where bruises won’t show. Apparently Marcia’s concerns about “not damaging the goods” mean nothing to these brutes. But maybe they need a reminder. If there’s a real cash value attached to me, perhaps I can get more respect. Do I have the nerve to mention this … or would it only make my situation worse?
    I start pounding on the door now, yelling that I need to use the bathroom and that I’m dying of thirst. I wait a few minutes, hoping someone will take pity on me. But no one comes. I try again and this time I press my ear to the door and listen, but I don’t hear a thing. Finally, I can’t contain my emotions anymore, and I burst into tears and fall onto the nasty mattress and just cry myself to sleep.
    I wake to the sound of someone entering the room. It’s Tatiana again and she’s got a bag from McDonald’s. “Still hungry?” she asks as if she doesn’t care.
    “Yes,” I mutter as I stumble to my feet. “And thirsty.”
    She looks unconcerned. “Sorry, I forgot to get you a drink. Oops.”
    I hold up my water bottle. “Please, can I fill this?”
    She shrugs and holds out her hand.
    Suspecting she’ll disappear with it and never return, I tell her I need to use the bathroom. She looks doubtful but finally agrees to escort me down the hall where I attempt to use the toilet, but I am so dehydrated it’s almost pointless. Once again I drink water from the tap, gulping as much as I can take in without making myself sick. And then I fill my water bottle. Satisfied that I might be able to make it through the night if I have to, I knock on the door, waiting for Tatiana to let me out. But not surprisingly, she doesn’t come.
    I sit on the edge of the tub, waiting for what feels like half an hour. And then I decide to use this opportunity to slug down more water, even though I don’t really feel thirsty. But who knows when I’ll get another chance? And right now my only focus is on survival. I’m just refilling my bottle when I hear the dead bolt snap open.
    “Aren’t you done yet?” she demands impatiently.
    “Yeah. Sorry.” I calmly put the lid back on the water bottle, controlling myself from pointing out that I banged on the door and waited for her. I need to be careful with this girl if I’m going to win her sympathy. And that’s my goal. “Thanks for being patient.”
    She looks surprised. “Well, come on then.”
    “So, do you know how long I’ll be locked in that room?” I ask in what I hope is a nonchalant tone. “I mean, it’s kinda boring and it’s not like I’m going to run away or anything.”
    “Right …” She looks skeptical as she holds the door to my jail cell open. “You expect me to fall for that one?”
    I shrug. “Well, I’m guessing this place is locked up pretty tight.”
    With her hand on the knob, she studies me, then nods. “You got that right.”
    “But you’re allowed to come and go?”
    Now she glares at me. “Aren’t you just full of

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