Tentacle Masseuse (a paranormal erotica)
"Hi, we're here for a couples massage," I said to
the smiling receptionist at the desk. "We have an appointment for two
o'clock, under Wilson."
    The receptionist referred to the datebook in front of her.
The book was huge, with dark green leather and intricate patterns on the cover;
it looked very old and much too grand for keeping spa appointments. She trailed
a finger over the page, which was filled with an elegantly handwritten list,
and then tapped the list with a perfectly manicured finger.
    "Of course, here you are, Ms. Wilson. Right this way,
please." She said. She stood and lead Brian and I across the airy lobby
filled with huge green plants, down a long and winding corridor, and to a
heavy, dark green wooden door. The door, like the datebook, seemed ancient and
slightly out of place in a day spa.
    She opened the door with a strong push, then stepped aside
to let Brian and I pass by her and enter the room.
    "You two can go ahead in and make yourselves
comfortable. Help yourself to our specially infused water, it's very
refreshing. Then you can undress and get comfortable on the massage tables.
Your masseuse will be with you in just a few minutes." The receptionist
gave us another smile and closed the door, leaving us alone in the room.
    Brian was looking around in awe, and I can't say that I
blamed him. The room was large, airy and comfortable, done in light wood and
flowing white fabric, with tons of huge green potted plants scattered around. A
fresh, sweet smell permeated the air, and I inhaled deeply.
    "Wow, maybe I'll like this massage thing after all.
This place is fantastic!" Brian said appreciatively. I smiled; he’d been
very hesitant to come get a massage with me. He walked over to the table with
the pitcher of water. I could see a mix of fruits and green leaves floating
with the ice cubes, and it looked absolutely mouthwatering. Brian poured two
glasses of cold, sparkling water, and held one out to me.
    "Yeah, this is definitely the nicest spa I've ever been
to. I’m surprised that a place like this was offering a sale!" I said, and
took the glass from him. We clinked, smiling at one another as we took
tentative sips.
    Oh my god . The water was almost overwhelmingly crisp
and cool. It tasted like dew on leaves, like summer rain, like a stream in the
Garden of Eden. I had never tasted anything so sweet, so refreshing, so, so... Incredible .
    I glanced at Brian, and his eyes were closed as he drank deeply.
When they reopened, they were slightly dazed and unfocused.
    "Holy shit, this is the best water I've ever tasted in
my life!" He said, and I nodded my agreement. "What do they do to
    "The receptionist said it was some kind of special
infusion. That’s usually done with fruits and herbs. Remind me to ask her for
what’s in this on our way out. I'd love to try to recreate it at home." I
said, and drained my glass as Brian did the same. When we finished, he grabbed
the pitcher and refilled our glasses.
    We drank in silence, and as I looked around the inviting,
plant filled room, I felt myself begin to relax. I hadn't even felt
particularly tense to begin with, but my muscles were softening and a sense of
peace washed over me. I finished my water and set the empty glass down on the
    "We better get ourselves ready for the masseuse."
I said, and kicked off my shoes. I unzipped my sweatshirt and slid it off. As I
was folding it, I felt Brian move behind me and press himself against my back.
    I sighed and leaned into his strong chest, and his hands
went to the bottom of my tank top, playing at the edges. He gripped the fabric
and slowly, oh so slowly lifted it up. His strong fingers brushed against the
curve of my waist, and I felt little tingles of electricity where his hand
touched my naked flesh.
    I don’t know what came over me, but I suddenly wanted him. Badly .
I moaned and pressed back into him, rubbing myself against the growing bulge in
his pants. I lifted my arms and he slipped my shirt

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