Rome's Gothic Wars: From the Third Century to Alaric (Key Conflicts of Classical Antiquity)

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Book: Rome's Gothic Wars: From the Third Century to Alaric (Key Conflicts of Classical Antiquity) by Michael Kulikowski Read Free Book Online
Authors: Michael Kulikowski
in Late Antiquity and the Early Middle Ages (Turnhout, 2005), 173–204. For the fortifications of the site, Popa, Romains ou barbares , 66–69.
    [85] Tomb 14 at Hanska-Luterija, with fragments of many bronze vessels, a gold bracelet, and glass items, is a rare exception.
    [86] M. Kazanski, Les Goths (Paris, 1993) is the best short introduction to Sântana-de-Mureč/černjachov funerary sites, but see many useful articles collected in the following publications: Herwig Wolfram and Falko Daim, eds., Die Völker an der Mittleren und unteren Donau im fünften und sechsten Jahrhundert (Vienna, 1980); Patrick Perin, ed., Gallo-Romains, Wisigoths et Francs en Aquitaine, Septimanie et Espagne (Actes des če Journées internationales d’Archéologie mérovingienne. Toulouse, 1985) (Paris, 1991); Françoise Vallet and Michel Kazanski, eds., L’armée romaine et les barbares du če au če siècle , Mémoires publiées par l’Association Française d’Archéologie Mérovingienne V (Paris, 1993); Françoise Vallet and Michel Kazanski, eds., La noblesse romaine et les chefs barbares du če au če siècle , Mémoires publiées par l’Association Française d’Archéologie Mérovingienne č (Paris, 1995).
    [87] See especially Guy Halsall, Settlement and Social Organization: The Merovingian Region of Metz (Cambridge, 1995); Bonnie Effros, Merovingian Mortuary Archaeology and the Making of the Early Middle Ages (Berkeley and Los Angeles, 2003).
Chapter Five: Goths and Romans, 332–376
    [88] Ammianus, RG 26.10.3
    [89] Ambrose, De spir. sanct ., prol. 17 (= CSEL 79: 23).
    [90] Hippolyte Delehaye, ‘Saints de Thrace et de Mésie’, Analecta Bollandiana 31 (1912): 161–300 at 276: Kunstanteinus ( recte Kunstanteius) thiudanis , which are the Gothic spellings for Constantine and (the correct) Constantius.
    [91] Eusebius, Vita Const . 4.6; Descriptio consulum , s.a. 334 (Burgess, 236); Orig. Const . 31.
    [92] Eusebius, Vita Const . 4.7.
    [93] Before 340, both Constantius and Constans had taken the title Sarmaticus , implying either a joint campaign or two consecutive ones: T. D. Barnes, Constantine and Eusebius (Cambridge, MA, 1981), 262, with references.
    [94] Ammianus, RG 15.8.
    [95] That is the argument of T. D. Barnes, Ammianus Marcellinus and the Representation of Historical Reality (Ithaca, 1998).
    [96] Ammianus, RG 16.5.
    [97] Sarmatian raids in 357: Ammianus, RG 16.10. Campaign in 358: Ammianus, RG 17.12–13; Aurelius Victor 42. Destruction of the Limigantes (359): Ammianus, RG 19.3.
    [98] CIL 3: 3653 = ILS 775.
    [99] Ammianus, RG 22.7.8.
    [100] Eusebius, Vita Const . 4.5 does not demonstrate religious stipulations within the treaty, merely stating that Constantine subdued the barbarians under the sign of the cross, while no specifics can be read into Vita Const . 4.14.1 in which all nations are said to be steered by the single helmsman Constantine. The evidence of Eusebius is on this point surely to be preferred to the fifth-century Socrates, HE 1.18 and Sozomen, HE 2.6.1 where legendary accretions are to be suspected.
    [101] Socrates, HE 4.33–34.
    [102] Cyril of Jerusalem, Catech . 10.19 ( PG 34: 657–90 at 688C).
    [103] Province: Auxentius 35–37 (CCSL 87: 164–65) = 56–59 ( PLS 1: 703–706); Philostorgius, HE 2.5. Nicopolis: Jordanes, Getica 267.
    [104] Philostorgius, HE 2.5.
    [105] Sozomen, HE 6.37.
    [106] Sozomen, HE 6.37.11.
    [107] Philostorgius, HE 2.5; trans. P. Heather and J. Matthews, The Goths in the Fourth Century (Liverpool, 1991), 144.
    [108] Ammianus, RG 31.3.1.
    [109] Ammianus, RG 29.1.11.
    [110] N. Lenski, Failure of Empire: Valens and the Roman State in the Fourth Century A.D . (Berkeley, 2002).
    [111] Ammianus, RG 26.10.3; 27.5.1–2; Eunapius, frag. 37 (Blockley) = 37 (Müller).
    [112] Zosimus, HN 4.10–11.
    [113] Valentia: Codex Theodosianus 8.5.49; 11.1.22; 12.1.113. Gratiana: Procopius, Aed . 4.11.20 (Haury, 149). Valentiniana: Notitia Dignitatum , Or. 39.27.
    [114] Coins: RIC 9: 219

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