The Fallen Ones (The Fallen Angels Series Book 1)

Free The Fallen Ones (The Fallen Angels Series Book 1) by Katelyn Campbell

Book: The Fallen Ones (The Fallen Angels Series Book 1) by Katelyn Campbell Read Free Book Online
Authors: Katelyn Campbell
abilities, you need to realize
you haven’t even accessed your abilities yet, you are still just learning to
brush the surface. I can sense your power though and I would be lying if I said
you were normal or weak.”
    I feel
slightly disappointed but I trust Levi enough by now to know that he would
never lie to me or try to make the counsel look good. He’s not the kind of man
to waste time on silly missions and if I am being honest with myself, the more
I touch and taste my powers, the more I want to. The process itself is
draining, but in the few seconds that I reach the surface of my power – I feel
more alive than I ever have in my whole life. It is like a drug, but each time
I come back it is stronger instead of weaker.
    As I
am contemplating my train of thoughts I hear the crunching of dry leafs and
look up to see Ephraim heading our way. At first I feel excited, but then all I
feel is angry. I haven’t seen him in over 4 days and the last time I did see
him, he wouldn’t even look me in the eyes or speak directly to me. It is like I
wasn’t there. Per his usual weirdness, he walks passed me over to Levi I hear
my name as they are speaking but like a defiant child I try not to listen
because I don’t want him to think that I care after how he has treated me.
I know it Levi is patting him on the back and heading my way. He reaches down
for my hand to help me up and I take it without hesitating. He informs me that
he is going to take some time to look into different training methods and
Ephraim is going to take over for the rest of the day and work with me on hand
to hand combat. As much as I don’t want to work with Ephraim, I am excited to
experience a change of pace and as powerful as I know Ephraim is compared to
me. I think he will be surprised to find that I am not completely helpless when
it comes to combat. I always excelled in sports and fighting. In fact, if I
wasn’t already a social outcast in highschool I would’ve gone out for the girls
wrestling team, it is the one sport I always longed to do, but never had the
courage to.
    I walk
over towards Ephraim as Levi is fading into the distance and he skips the
pleasantries and immediately goes in to punch me in the stomach. I am shocked,
but I move in time and he misses me. He looks surprised and suddenly my anger
has built into full on fury “What, are you disappointed you couldn’t hit me?” I
taunt him. “I wasn’t going to hit you. But I am surprised you reacted at all.
That’s good. Let me see how many laps you can run up and down the stairs and
then we will work on your fighting.” He gets a look on his face as though he is
eager to break me, but little does he know that I spend most of my down time
with Levi here running up and down the stairs to get all of my excess energy
out. I smile his direction and race for the stairs, taking them one by one as I
usually do. After a few laps of not growing tired I look his way to prove a
point and he nods his head and commands me to start taking the stairs two by
two. Well, that’s new. But I have to show him that I am not as weak as he
thinks. I am shocked at the difference in my endurance though, at first I am
able to do it without problem, but after about 20 minutes, my thighs are sore
and my butt is all but begging me to stop.
notices the sweat on my face and my struggle to breathe comfortably and takes
pity on me. He throws a towel my way and tells me to take a break and go get my
water bottle.
    I do
as he says and almost immediately I feel lighter and more refreshed. He invites
me to the middle of the field where he instructs me on how to stand and how to
throw a punch, I already know but I allow him to show me because there is
something dead sexy about the way he runs his hands across my arms and hips
when he shows me what to do. He starts by having me throw punches his way and
when he realizes I already know what I am doing, he advances to kicks. I am
practically beaming when he is

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