Maverick Danker [Beyond the Marius Brothers 5] (Siren Publishing Ménage Amour ManLove)

Free Maverick Danker [Beyond the Marius Brothers 5] (Siren Publishing Ménage Amour ManLove) by Joyee Flynn

Book: Maverick Danker [Beyond the Marius Brothers 5] (Siren Publishing Ménage Amour ManLove) by Joyee Flynn Read Free Book Online
Authors: Joyee Flynn
Tags: Romance
    “You guys don’t have cars where you’re from?” Ferris asked, his eyes wide. “God, the culture shock you all must be going through. No wonder Tyler thought it best to start you out slow. I can’t even imagine the roller-coaster ride you’re on.”
    “What’s a roller coaster?” I got into the car as Ferris called it and Mav showed me how to put on the seat belt. I gave a very loud squeak as it moved, swallowing back my nerves.
    They explained to me what a roller coaster was and about a place called an amusement park that housed them. I had a feeling I would like an exciting place like that. Mav was right. After a few minutes, I found myself rolling down the window and leaning my head out so the wind blew through my hair. It was very invigorating. I was so impressed that the people of this world had invented such a thing.
    Then they told me how this vehicle, or SUV, worked. Mav explained how there were also cars, trucks, and Hummers as well. He told me he had a sports car back in Greece that he’d have to get Caleb to send over. But when he taught me how to drive, he said maybe I should start in Tyler’s truck. I wasn’t sure why he thought that, but I would do as he wanted. Mav knew best when it came to matters in his world.
    “Shit, we’ve got problems,” Ferris growled as he pointed down the road. I saw dozens of people running toward us from several miles away. “Where are they heading?”
    “Who are they?” I asked, unsure why he was so upset
    “Demons,” Mav answered and pulled out his phone. “Barnabas, lock the house down. We’ve got demons closing in.”
    “Tell them they’re about ten miles away from Darcy’s house but we don’t know where they’re heading,” Ferris barked out before making a sharp turn into a driveway. Now I understood the purpose of the seat belts.
    “I’ll contact Darcy to let him know and send help,” Barnabas said on the phone, and I was amazed I could hear him as if he was right there.
    “You won’t make it in time,” Mav replied as the SUV skidded to a halt. He quickly got me out of my seat belt and then we were out of the vehicle and racing to the house.
    “Oh, yes we will,” Barnabas growled and then there was a beep. Mav slipped the phone back into his pocket as we jumped up onto the front porch. Ferris opened the door and we went inside before he closed it and locked it.
    “We’ve got demons a few miles away,” he shouted loud enough that it hurt my ears. “Get the wolves down to the basement!”
    “Tell me,” a vampire demanded as he came barreling down the stairs with a very small man, Tyler following after them.
    “We saw at least three dozen about ten miles out on the main road,” Ferris said as he opened a door to a hidden room under the stairs. I saw various weapons and grabbed a large broadsword. “There could be more, but we don’t know what their target is.”
    “These are the beings that you are at war with that the Queen told us about?” I asked, the pieces falling into place.
    “Yes,” Ferris answered, not even glancing at me as he handed out metal weapons. Those the Queen had showed us, and she had explained how guns worked to the warriors.
    “Fire kills them, right?” Mav nodded, and I turned and raced back to the front door.
    “Asterio, wait! There are too many,” Tyler shouted.
    “Trust me now, my mate,” I said gently as I unlocked the door and threw it open.
    He nodded and ran after me. I chanted a protection spell as I ran a perimeter around the house as quickly as possible. When I got back to the front, I saw the enemy approaching fast as Ferris, Mav, Tyler, and the man I assumed to be Darcy were standing on the porch.
    “No one must cross that line. It will disintegrate anything that touches it,” I said quietly as I joined them. I didn’t know how well the enemy could hear.
    “Well, that’s a nifty fucking trick.” The man chuckled as he held out his hand. “Darcy Burke and you saw my mate

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