The Vampire Council: Case File:1
    Vaelen understands what Jacqueline is getting at. ‘And even if this knowledge was to leak, the vampire hunter clan wouldn’t send out one of their toughest men. They’re best reserved for vampires my rank.’
    Jacqueline grins slightly that Vaelen is following the same path of thought she is taking. ‘Exactly. So what other explanation is there. There is none. Someone had hired Leofric to track down and kill the new recruits.’
    Vaelen walks closer to the desk and leans over it holding himself up with his arms. ‘I know what you’re thinking. We have a traitor.’
    Jacqueline leans in close to Vaelen and looks him directly in the eyes. ‘As I’ve already said. No one outside of the council could know this information. Someone’s up to something. And it’s obvious it’s something not good.’
    Vaelen steps away from the desk as memories flood his mind of the last time he believed he had caught a traitor. ‘That’s a very serious allegation.’
    Jacqueline opens the second drawer of her desk and pulls out a nail file. She begins to file her nails as she leans back in her chair. ‘And I’m taking this seriously. I shall message the council members and arrange a meeting to discuss this. If we do a traitor we’ll find them in no time.’
    ‘Whilst you do that I’ll see what I can find out in the streets. Maybe there’s some information about this floating around the rogues. And I’ll keep a closer watch on our recruits; with Leofric on the scene you can never be too careful.’
    Jacqueline slips out another cigarette from the packet on her desk and lights it.
    ‘You should cut down you know. Not good for you.’ Vaelen smiles.
    ‘Well it’s not like I’m going to die.’ Jacqueline laughs, ‘now go. Haven’t you got a job to do?’
    ‘Yes ma’am.’ Vaelen turns towards the door and shuts it behind him.
    Vaelen heads into the main entrance lobby of the hotel. He spots Rita behind the front desk and walks over to her. He has an idea. ‘Rita.’
    Rita’s startled as her thoughts were miles away. ‘Oh good morning sir.’
    ‘Could you please get me all the files we have on a rogue vampire named Tessa and have them sent to my room? As quick as you can.’ Vaelen taps the desk twice with his fist as he turns to walk towards the elevator.
    ‘Yes sir. Right away sir.’ Rita quickly types in the name Tessa into the computer system. A file opens on the right hand side there’s all her general information. Name, date of birth, height. On the left shows a picture of Tessa. That’s the woman Jeff was with. Rita’s eyes widen as she comes to this realisation. ‘Erm, Vaelen sir?’ Rita shouts to get his attention before he steps into the elevator. Vaelen stops and heads back towards the front desk.
    ‘Yes Rita?’
    ‘I saw this Tessa earlier.’
    Vaelen attention is captured. ‘Where?’
    ‘She was up in Jeff’s room, they were…’ She stops herself from saying anymore. She knew she had no power to give vampires rooms because of possible security breaches. Added with the fact she didn’t want to remind herself of what she had witnessed them doing.
    ‘Hold it. Jeff’s in a room? Why?’ Vaelen becomes confused.
    ‘Well he was attacked earlier.’
    ‘Was it Leofric? What am I saying he wouldn’t still be here if it was.’
    Rita looks down at the desk. Vaelen can tell she knows who by. But she looks tired so he decides to drop it. ‘Never mind. Just print me off those files and send them to me. Once you’re done with that, go home.’
    Rita looks up at Vaelen and smiles. It’s not too often a higher ranked vampire shows her compassion. ‘Thank you sir. I could really use the rest.’ She begins the printing process of the files.
    ‘Couldn’t we all Rita. Never a dull moment in the world of vampires.’ Vaelen gives Rita one last smile as he walks away back towards the elevator. I have a feeling things are going to get much more interesting soon.
    CHAPTER 12:

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