The Vampire Council: Case File:1
    O ne week later.
    The sun beams down on a busy town centre. Shops located in rows either side of a walkway bustling with mortals going about their businesses and general shopping. A series of benches runs through the centre of the walkway. Teenagers on bikes ride through. Parents holding their children’s hands walking them to the shops. Or in some cases dragging them. Elderly citizens walk slowly alone or as couples, getting out in the sun, making the most out of the good weather.
    ‘This is ridiculous. There are people everywhere.’ Jeff mentions. Jeff and Katie are sat on one of the benches facing an ally way in between shops. Both are kitted out all in black. Black trousers, black shirts and black shoes. Both also sporting a long black raincoat which is standard to hide their weapons.
    ‘I’m not going to lie; I am sweltering in this heat.’ Katie pulls out a tissue from her trouser pocket and wipes some sweat from her forehead.
    ‘You’re not the only one. All black uniforms in the hot sun. What smart bastard came up with that?’ Jeff wipes the sweat off his forehead with his jacket sleeve. ‘And wearing a long black jacket in the middle of this heat looks very inconspicuous.’
    ‘Vaelen said these jackets are protocol.’ Katie looks around at all the mortals walking around. She spots a teenage girl with her mother laughing and joking walking arm in arm. She fights back some tears as her mind fills with thoughts of her mother and how their relationship is no longer like that. Silence has fallen between the two of them. Jeff hates awkward silences and decides to break the awkwardness.
    ‘How’s life been treating you since the Leofric incident?’ Jeff realised instantly as that name rolled off his tongue that this could make things a tad more awkward between them. But to his relief Katie answers.
    ‘As good as it could be I suppose. I’ve seen Will every day since. He’s been helping me take my mind off things.’ Katie smiles to herself as she begins to think about the times her and Will had been sharing the past week.
    ‘So you and him getting close then?’ Jeff asks.
    Katie could tell by his tone of voice that he was implying something was happening between the two of them.
    Katie shrugs. ‘Well in a sense yes. He’s the only person that understands what I’m feeling as he’s going through the exact same thing. No offense. Didn’t ask you, well because you have a family of your own and thought it might be hard to explain to your wife who your new younger female friend was.’
    Jeff shuffles on the bench as the mention of his wife puts him on edge as he has been too busy with work and helping Tessa on the side that he hasn’t spent much time with her. ‘I understand completely. Living with this curse and a family is difficult enough without bringing a lady friend home every day.’ Jeff spots Katie turn slightly away from him as she folds her legs and looks towards the ground. ‘So what about your family? Mother, father? Brothers, sisters?’
    Katie turns back towards Jeff as she begins to answer his question, but still facing the ground in front of her. ‘I’m an only child. My dad died when I was five. I live alone with my mum. And trust me that has enough problems in its self.’
    Jeff could tell this was a tough subject for Katie to talk about. Especially to someone she only met a week ago and hadn’t seen since. ‘So you still haven’t changed yet?’
    Katie looks up at Jeff relieved the subject was now off her family life. ‘No. Not yet. It’s strange. Vaelen said I’m the first recruit to not ever change within the first few days of becoming a vampire. I feel like I may hinder missions if I’m unable to change.’
    Jeff looks around the walkway at the crowds of mortals walking around. ‘I don’t think any of us will be changing today. Can’t risk any of these people seeing us as vampires.’
    Katie nods in agreement and proceeds to wipe sweat off her forehead

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