Too Far to Whisper
be away for a fortnight. She already was counting the minutes until his departure.
    “I cannot tell you how thrilled I am that you will soon become a part of our family,” Abigail was saying, paying no mind to Rosalind’s silence or distant expression. “Did I not tell you from our first meeting that I knew you were special? Fortunately, my son quickly formed the same opinion. You certainly swept him off his feet, child. In little more than two weeks’ time you have managed to accomplish what scores of young women have been attempting to do for years! Pray tell, what is your secret? Everyone is curious to know!”
    Rosalind shrugged. “I fear there is no secret. Nathaniel told me he was drawn to me because unlike most women, I displayed little interest in him.”
    “Oh, I believe Nathaniel decided at first sight that he wanted to make you his wife. I saw the look on his face the moment you were introduced and, well, a mother can sense these things!”
    Rosalind sighed wearily. “In truth, I find all of this a bit overwhelming and occurring much too fast.”
    “Oh, all brides-to-be feel as you do.” Abigail dismissed Rosalind’s statement with a wave of her hand. “And, I assure you, as the big day approaches, you will feel even more overwhelmed.” She reached over to place her hand on Rosalind’s arm. “But ‘twill all be worth it in the end. I foresee a long and happy life for you and Nathaniel, with many children.”
    Rosalind stared at the ground and suppressed the urge to tell Abigail that the only way she and Nathaniel would live a long and happy life would be if they lived it apart.
    “I have been curious about something, child,” Abigail said, turning to face her. “On the first day of your employ, you swore to me you never would wed. And you were so adamant about it, you had me convinced it never would occur. What caused you so swiftly to change your mind?”
    Blackmail , she wanted to shout at her. Instead, she responded, “Your son can be very persuasive.” She lifted her eyes. “Believe me, he would not accept ‘no’ for an answer.”
    “Well, whatever it was that Nathaniel said or did to convince you to change your mind and become his bride, believe me, no one could be more pleased than I!”
    “Oh, my mother might dispute that claim.” Rosalind forced a tight smile. “She all but danced a jig when Nathaniel asked her for my hand.”
    Abigail laughed a warm, rich laugh that brought a sparkle to her hazel eyes. Although it pleased Rosalind to see the woman so happy, she wished the reason for Abigail’s joy were something other than this mockery of a betrothal.
    “I think it would be a good idea to have your mother and sisters sup with us soon,” Abigail said. “I wish to become well acquainted with them ere the wedding.”
    “May Ben and Faith come also?” Rosalind’s eyebrows rose. She desperately wanted the opportunity to speak privately to her brother.
    “Most definitely!” Abigail said. “Truth be known, child, I would do anything to please you. After all, look at all you have done for me. For the first time in a very long time, I am not looking toward my death, but toward my future. I even intend to be fully recovered far in advance of the birth of my first grandchild!”
    Rosalind looked away from her and took a long breath in an effort to settle the knot in her stomach.  How special would Abigail think her, she wondered, if she knew the truth – that she had no intention whatsoever of marrying her son – that she had not changed her mind at all about marriage, and with good reason. She would not – could not – allow this nightmare to progress as far as the wedding day. Her only hope was to confess everything to Ben, and then together they would find a solution.  They had to.
    * * * * *
    At first, Shadow Runner refused to believe the news Grace delivered along with his supper.
    “Master Nathaniel and Mistress Rosalind are to be wed!” she excitedly announced.

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