Apocalypse Empire (Book 1): Apocalypse Origins

Free Apocalypse Empire (Book 1): Apocalypse Origins by R.A. Neely

Book: Apocalypse Empire (Book 1): Apocalypse Origins by R.A. Neely Read Free Book Online
Authors: R.A. Neely
Tags: Zombies
"Well what's really going on is that
there is an outbreak. There's way more cases than what Pendleton admitted
    "How are they keeping all this quiet?"
    "The mayor asked them to."
    "How's that work?" he asked.
    "My understanding is that cities all across the country
are doing it."
    Jackson nodded. "That makes sense. If they're gonna be
able to stop this a panic is the last thing that they need."
    Shirley nodded. That was remarkably similar to her thoughts.
    "How do you know all this?"
    Shirley gestured, drawing attention to her diamond
engagement ring.
    "Okay, that makes sense. So what happens now? This
can't be what you've been sitting here staring about this whole time."
    "It's gonna get bad. I mean really bad. The police
aren't going to be able to stop this. They simply don't have the bodies. So
it's going to spread."
    "And once people realize they've been lied to..."
    "They'll riot. Add that to the outbreak and I don't
know if our city will recover."
    "Alright, this is sad and all but it's not like you can
control any of this."
    "The...infected are becoming violent in many
    "Violent how?"
    "Some people have died."
    Jackson whistled. "Wow. How could you sit on that?
That's like story of the year, easy."
    "I was told if I mentioned the extent of the crisis I'd
be out a job." She paused. "Sitting here talking about it though,
maybe that isn't such a big concern."
    Jackson nodded. "If it’s as bad as you say, getting out
of the city probably isn't a bad idea."
    "Well it's happening everywhere. So where would you
    Jackson shrugged. "I'll figure something out. I really
appreciate you telling me all this Shirley."
    "Wait. I didn't tell you all this just for you to go
fend for yourself. I want you to come with me."
    "Come with you where, Shirley?"
    "There's a shelter. It's stocked with food and
supplies. I want you to come with me."
    Shirley watched as a calculating look entered Jackson's
eyes. It passed quickly though. Maybe she had imagined it.
    "My invitation lets me bring my family."
    "I'm not your family, Shirley."
    "It doesn't matter. They've accounted for the
    Jackson shrugged. "Fair enough. I'll make my own way if
they turn me away."
    "So, as far as why I've been sitting here. I feel like
I should've said something during the interview. How many people are going to
die thinking things will be fine in a few days?"
    "They did threaten your job."
    "Does that really matter if people are dying?"
    Jackson shrugged. "Maybe, maybe not. If this gets
cleaned up, maybe you don't want to have bit the hand that feeds you."
    "What would you have done?"
    Jackson thought for a moment. "I don't know. But I
think it comes down to doing whatever helps you look at yourself in the
    "Alright, so-," a series of screams interrupted her.
Shirley's eyes widened in fight.
    Moving quickly, Jackson turned off the lights and pulled the
blinds down. A second later he locked the door. He then moved the blind a
fraction and peered out.
    "What's -," Jackson held a finger to his lips and
responded in a low whisper. Shirley had to learn forward to hear him.
    "It isn't pretty. Looks like some of your sick people
made their way up here." He looked at her. "What are we calling them
by the way? Zombies? No that doesn't work. They're clearly still alive."
    Shirley matched her voice level to his. "Well they're
sick, so infected I guess."
    Jackson nodded as he looked back out the window. "That
works. Simple, efficient even. So the infected found their way up here and
they're attacking people." A piercing scream punctuated Jackson's
    Shirley jumped. She looked at Jackson. How was he taking
this so calmly? He stood there watching this like he was watching a game on
t.v. How is he not freaking out right now?
    "What's happening now?"
    "One just got bit. Looks like he got lucky."
    "How's that lucky?"
    "Well, after he got bit the infected shoved him and he
hit his head. Looks like he's unconscious. The lucky part is the

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