Sea Breeze

Free Sea Breeze by Patricia D. Eddy, Jennifer Senhaji

Book: Sea Breeze by Patricia D. Eddy, Jennifer Senhaji Read Free Book Online
Authors: Patricia D. Eddy, Jennifer Senhaji
some sun and relaxation. I pull a book out of my bag that I brought with me, and settle in for a little quiet reading time.
    By the time I get one third of the way through Sweet Dreams , I’m so invested in finding out whether or not the main characters, Jake and Jenna, are ever going to get together that I don’t notice Eric standing next to me until he blocks the sun. “Hey. I’m going to head back to my room to get changed. I brought you a Sea Breeze. I’ll be at The Vine. See you there later?”
    I take the drink from his hand and place it on the table next to me. “Yes. I’ll see you there later. Thanks.” I watch him walk away, open my book, and keep reading until the sun dips below the horizon.
    On my way back to Eric’s room, I stop and grab a slice of pizza and a diet cola. Slipping under the blankets of his bed, I open my book and dive back in. I think they’re finally going to get together and I can’t stop reading now.
    When I finish the book, I can’t stop smiling. I love a good happily ever after. It’s 7 p.m. and I should get ready. But getting ready means taking a shower and doing my hair, and I’m not up to it. I send Eric a text that I’m going to stay in tonight and will see him when he gets off.
    At some point I fall asleep, and I stir when Eric tries to get in bed beside me. Without opening my eyes, I grumble in his direction. “You have the smallest bed known to man.”
    “Ha-ha. I know. Sorry, babe. Can you scoot over a little bit? Please.” I turn on my side and Eric pushes his arm under my head, pulling me onto his chest. “Thank you.” He presses a kiss to my temple, and as I nod off I think he says, “Don’t go.”
    I wake up early the next morning, Eric’s massive body crushing me. I’m able to scoot out this time, and make my way to the bathroom. When I’ve brushed my teeth, I find him spread-eagled on the bed. His body must miss having the whole bed to himself. There’s no way I can get back in without waking him up.
    I get dressed instead and head upstairs for coffee. The sun is rising as I walk around the jogging deck. A few die-hard runners are on the track. Lord knows I have never understood those people, but otherwise it’s extremely peaceful. Breathing in the crisp air, I stand next to the railing, sipping my coffee and watching the sun rise over the Caribbean. I wish my mom could have seen this.
    We’re at sea all day today, and tomorrow we’ll be in Florida. The thought of going back to Vegas is soul-crushing. I have my passport now, obtained for this trip. I have money saved. I could go anywhere. I want to go everywhere. It’s scary. Thrilling. Eric.
    As I finish my coffee and start walking back toward his room, I ponder our situation. I didn’t anticipate him. I thought I was coming on this trip to figure out what to do with my life. Yet I’m nowhere closer to an answer than when I stepped on the ship, except I know I don’t want to go back. I can’t. He, is something else. Are we supposed to say goodbye? Should I expect anything more than that? Do I have a right to? I’ve bared my soul, but there’s so much I don’t know about him. I wish we had more time. He had to work two shifts again yesterday.
    When I get back to his room, I tap Eric on the shoulder. “Hey, Eric. Wake up. I need to ask you something.”
    “Hmm, what? What are you doing? You’re dressed? What time is it?”
    “It’s early. Um, is the ship understaffed in the bartender department? I ask because it seems like you have to cover a lot of shifts and I was wondering.”
    Eric rubs the sleep from his eyes and sits up in bed. “Are you asking what I think you’re asking?”
    “I don’t know. What do you think I’m asking?”
    He’s fully awake now, eyes wide open and gaze piercing mine. “Do you want to stay?”
    “I don’t want to go back.”
    “Don’t. Stay. Stay with me.”
    “Eric, I think you have the right idea, what you’re doing with your life. I don’t have

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