Twice in a Lifetime (Carina)

Free Twice in a Lifetime (Carina) by Kierney Scott

Book: Twice in a Lifetime (Carina) by Kierney Scott Read Free Book Online
Authors: Kierney Scott
shirt,” a familiar deep voice said from behind her.
    “Liam!” she squeaked as she spun around on her heel.
    “Good morning, Mr McPherson,” Tariq said.
    “Morning, Tariq.” Liam nodded. He slipped a hand behind her back and guided her away from the desk.
    “I hope it is OK I borrowed your shirt. My jumper was too hot.”
    “It’s fine. You fill it out quite nicely.” His gaze lowered to her breasts.
    She took a deep breath and willed herself not to blush even though it was clear from the look in his eyes he was undressing her in his mind. “What are you doing here? Why aren’t you at work?”
    “Because apparently we are going to the mall.”
    “I don’t need your driver to take me to the mall.”
    “Good, because I gave Ahmed the morning off.” He reached inside his suit pocket and produced a pair of sunglasses and handed them to her. “You spent all afternoon yesterday squinting,” he said by way of explanation.
    She examined the designer shades. She had seen the same oversized style in a magazine last month and knew for a fact they cost more than her car payment. They were far too expensive for her to accept but she did need a pair of sunglasses. The brightness of the country was second only to the sun. “Um, thanks. Do you have lots of women’s accessories kicking about?” She tried to make a joke to cover the fact she was touched by the thoughtfulness of the gesture.
    “No, I sent Gemma out for them this morning.”
    “Thank you. You realise Gemma has really expensive taste?”
    His answer was a smile.
    She needed to thank Office Barbie next time she saw her, and stop calling her Office Barbie. “I discovered Dubai has a metro,” she said, a bit more animated than she had intended.
    “Tell me more,” Liam said with mock enthusiasm.
    She bit her lip to keep from smiling. He was teasing her the way he always did. “Well, according to my new friend Tariq, it is only ten stops to the mall.”
    “Brilliant. Why aren’t more people taking the metro?” He paused long enough for her to see two straight lines of white teeth. “Oh, that’s right, because they have cars.”
    “Well, this person doesn’t have a car. So I am taking the metro to the mall. In the spirit of our new-found friendship, I am going to have to be honest: I don’t think the prospect of shopping has ever excited me more. The mall has the world’s largest Cheesecake Factory. It is like they knew I was coming.”
    Liam couldn’t help smiling. The only thing that rivalled Sarah’s blushing was her unbridled enthusiasm for the smallest things. He had once seen her jump up and down because he had got an A on his English A Level. “Did your new friend Tariq tell you about that too?”
    “No, I read about it on the Internet. You don’t have to walk me to the tube station. I can find it.” She waved the map as proof.
    “I am not going to leave you to fend for yourself in a foreign country.”
    He expected her to say he had left her before to fend for herself but she didn’t. Instead she said, “I am perfectly capable of taking the metro to the mall. I have your number. I will call if I need anything.”
    “Do you even have any dirham on you?” he asked.
    “No. But I have a bank card with an overdraft, and I am not afraid to use it.”
    He couldn’t imagine still being reliant on an overdraft; no one as educated as Sarah should. She should have a proper job, worthy of her qualifications.
    He followed her onto the busy street. They were the only pedestrians. Everyone else had the good sense to be in an air-conditioned car. She studied the map for a few minutes and then began walking. He let her lead the way until it was obvious she had no idea where the metro station was located. “It is over here, Sarah.” He pointed to the other side of the street.
    “Really? Are you sure? Because according to the map—”
    “I’m positive.” He turned his head so she could not see him smiling. She still didn’t know left

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