Joy's Valentine
Joy’s sister, Marla, was a true knock-out. She wore a tiny wool skirt that showed off her long legs, a bright red sweater, and her long hair flowed to the middle of her back. Joy noticed Marla had dyed her hair a reddish-brown since she’d seen her at Christmas…she’d probably go back to blonde when spring returned. Marla was so thin, yet there she sat, stuffing her face with a chocolate croissant.
    “So, what brings you to the city?” Marla asked when Joy sat across from her.
    Joy smiled. “I’ve been staying at Eli’s place ever since we got back from Europe.”
    Marla rolled her eyes. “I still don’t understand how you could just hop a plane with a perfect stranger. You didn’t know anything about him!”
    It was Joy’s turn to roll her eyes. “Just because I didn’t run down your list of questions doesn’t mean I didn’t know him.”
    “My list of questions?” Marla repeated, cocking a perfectly plucked brow.
    “What do you do? What kind of car do you drive? Do you own any real estate? What’s your total net worth? Are you first or second string?” Joy ticked off each question on her fingers.
    Marla frowned. “Don’t even start that shit.”
    Joy sipped her coffee but didn’t snap back at her sister. She just reveled in the fact that for once Marla was jealous of her. Marla was the beauty who got any guy she wanted. Joy was the brain guys didn’t even give a second glance.
    Yet, somehow, Joy was the one that had picked up the hottest guy ever and had a romantic jaunt with him through Europe. Joy was the one who decided not to return to work and stayed in his penthouse apartment.
    Joy was the one stepping out of character and Marla didn’t seem to like it one bit.
    Marla was still gazing at her when Joy’s cell phone rang. She gave her sister the “just-one-minute” finger and answered it. Marla rolled her eyes when she saw the dopey grin that made it so obvious who was on the phone even before Joy said a word.
    “Hi Eli,” Joy purred.
    “Hello, love,” his deep baritone answered. He’d taken up that pet name when she’d mentioned how much she loved the way British people used it. “What are you doing?”
    “I just sat down for some coffee,” Joy said turning toward the window so she wouldn’t meet her sister’s eyes.
    “You sure did come off tea quickly,” Eli teased.
    “I know. If they made a support group I’d try to quit this coffee habit.”
    “I don’t know about that…you’ll need your energy tonight.”
    Joy giggled. “I’ll just bet.”
    “So, would you be at your favorite café on the corner of 11th Avenue?”
    “Good, I’m just a block away, I’ll join you.”
    Joy’s breath hitched in her chest. “No, no,” she stuttered glancing at Marla who watched her intently. “I’ll just meet you later and we can get a real lunch.”
    “Nonsense! I’m almost there already. I’ll see you in a minute.”
    “Oh,” said Joy miserably, “Okay.”
    “I take it that was lover-boy,” Marla said, her voice dripping with sarcasm and just a hint of venom.
    Joy nodded as she slipped the phone back into her purse. She wasn’t ready for Eli to meet Marla. She probably would never be ready for that. Considering, Marla had stolen…uh…borrowed…at least three of her exes through high school, Joy purposely kept the few men she’d let into her life far from her sister’s sinister clutches. Now, Eli was walking right into the lioness’ den. She took another sip of coffee and barely tasted it as it went down in a miserable lump.
    “He’ll be here in a minute; if you have somewhere to go you can go ahead and…”
    Marla’s face changed from a smirk to a smile. “He’s coming here? Trust me; I have nowhere else I’d rather be.” She fished a compact out of her purse and primped.
    The bell above the door chimed and Joy turned in time to see Eli walk in. He wore a heavy black trench to protect him from the icy wind. Eli cut quite a figure walking

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