Tangled in Chains

Free Tangled in Chains by SavaStorm Savage

Book: Tangled in Chains by SavaStorm Savage Read Free Book Online
Authors: SavaStorm Savage
didn’t pack would be left behind. Most of it belonged to Blaze anyway, as the place had been his before she’d moved in. She felt nervous over Shook’s plan but also could see the logic behind it.
    He had gone out to run some errands and told her he’d be back in time to confront Blaze. However, she had to employ the first stage of the plan without him.
    While waiting for Blaze, she had plenty of time to think. One of the things she figured out was why he’d found ways to bind her hands both times. After playing it over in her mind repeatedly, she concluded that he didn’t want her touching Shook. He’d become agitated after catching them sharing a kiss in the kitchen and up to that point he’d said no chains. His impulsive decision to use the stockings under the guise she’d been naughty had been rather strange.
    When it came down to the facts, she could only deduce that Shook had been duped into serving as a tool. Blaze had controlled the entire ménage and he clearly had done his best to thwart any affection between them. All of the puzzled looks and unexplained comments suddenly made sense. They had been close to uncovering Blaze’s secret numerous times, yet he’d cleverly intervened and diverted them.
    Now she sat dressed in high heels, sheer black stockings and a slinky negligee, propped seductively in a chair. She’d given Shook her key and prayed he’d return in time. Staring at the ring on her left hand she couldn’t wait to take it off, but had to wait for the right moment.
    Almost a half an hour passed before Blaze came through the door. His eyes widened with obvious delight. “Wow, baby, what’s the occasion?”
    “Nothing special,” she replied with a coy smile. “You’ve turned me into a lusty vamp with your sex games and Shook’s participation. I’m ready for more.”
    He began stripping his clothes. “Let’s get it on.”
    “Ah-ah-ah…” She wagged a finger at him. “Not so fast there. This time it’s my turn to call the shots. I have some special… toys …in the bedroom.”
    “Hey, whatever you want. Give me a few minutes to grab a quick shower.”
    She sauntered back the hall to the bedroom and waited. “Did you ever find out how your art piece got destroyed?”
    “No, not really. I think someone may have snuck in somehow because there were a few things missing,” he replied from the shower.
    “Oh? Like what?”
    “Uh, just some small stuff, nothing that can’t be replaced. I haven’t had time yet but I’m going to change the locks tonight.”
    He emerged from the bath naked with anticipation painted all over his face. “I’m all yours.”
    “Good.” She strutted over to him. “Hold out your hands.”
    “Ohh, you’re into kink now?”
    “It’s what you want, isn’t it? After all, I learned this from you.” She locked steel cuffs around his wrists, then strung heavy chain through the loops. “Now be a good boy and sit in this chair.” Perching one high-heeled shoe on a wooden chair, she subtly dragged the hem of her satin teddy up one thigh. “If you behave, I may give you a taste.”
    “What do you consider good behavior?”
    Placing one finger to her lips and looking up with feigned innocence, she replied, “Don’t come too soon, or you’ll get no goodies.”
    “You learn fast.” He smirked.
    She wanted to retch but managed to stay on course. After winding the chain through the arms of the chair and securing them behind his back with a padlock, she moved around to face him. “Since you are such a big fan of visual entertainment, we’ve prepared a special treat for you.”
    “We?” A look of confusion traversed his face.
    “Yeah, mate .” Shook walked into the room. “Seems you’re into games. Did you really plan on getting away with it? How long were you going to use her?”
    “Nobody was hurt and we all had some fun. I don’t see the big deal.”
    “You led me to believe she wanted this threesome charade you carefully orchestrated. You

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