The Mystery of Cabin Island

Free The Mystery of Cabin Island by Franklin W. Dixon

Book: The Mystery of Cabin Island by Franklin W. Dixon Read Free Book Online
Authors: Franklin W. Dixon
his pockets. “I’m going to find out what that guy was doing here!” he declared.
    â€œWell, I’ve had enough mystery for a while,” Chet spoke up. “I’m starting dinner!” The plump boy headed for the kitchen. A moment later he came running back to the living room. “It’s gone!” he wailed.
    â€œWhat’s gone?” Frank asked.
    â€œThe food! There’s not a bit left!”
    â€œHanleigh, I’ll bet!” Biff declared angrily.
    â€œChet,” Joe queried, “are you sure the food is not there?”
    â€œYes! Last night I put the cartons of grub we didn’t use in the cabinets. You fellows saw me!”
    For a moment the four hungry boys stared at one another in dismay. Then Frank said, “I can’t believe Hanleigh came here to steal our food. Probably he hid the supplies just to inconvenience us so we’d leave. Let’s check to see if they’re stashed somewhere in the cabin.”
    The food could not be found. “We’ll have to go to town for more groceries,” Chet urged.
    â€œIt’s too dark to take the Sea Gull out,” Frank reminded him.
    â€œWe could always go home for supplies,” said Chet.
    â€œNot me!” exclaimed Joe. “No sirree!” He grinned wryly. “I can hear Aunt Gertrude saying, ‘I told you so.’”
    â€œWe’d look like great detectives,” his brother agreed, “when somebody can steal the food right out from under our noses.”
    â€œThat’s right,” said Biff. “Besides, it’s a long cold walk to the car.”
    â€œOh, no!” Chet moaned as he sank down on the sofa, his hands on his ample stomach. “I’ll starve!”
    â€œNot for a month or two,” Biff assured him.
    â€œHanleigh’s mighty eager to have us give up this vacation,” Joe said thoughtfully. “I wish we knew why.”
    â€œOf course we don’t know for sure he did steal the food,” Frank stated. “Maybe somebody else was here and took it.”
    â€œWell, at least we have proof Hanleigh was on the island while we were away,” Joe reminded the others. “I’ll get that photo!”
    He opened the camera and removed the snapshot. The young detective studied the picture, then gave a low whistle of surprise.
    â€œWhat is it?” Frank asked as he, Chet, and Biff hurried over.
    â€œHanleigh’s not alone!” Joe exclaimed.
    The photograph showed him standing by the chimney, holding the stout stick with which he had been tapping and poking. Some distance behind him, partially hidden among the trees, was another figure. The stranger was dark and slim and was dressed in a long, flowing white robe. A turban covered his head!

    A Cryptic Notation
    â€œTHE ghost that Chet saw!” Frank exclaimed as he stared at the snapshot of the white-robed man.
    â€œY-you think so?” Chet asked incredulously.
    â€œIt could be!” Joe declared. “I wonder who this person is, how he got here, and where he is now.”
    â€œPerhaps he came with Hanleigh,” Biff suggested.
    â€œI doubt it,” Frank replied. “Look at the way the fellow’s standing back in the shadow of the trees, almost as if he was spying on Hanleigh.”
    Frank paused, then added, “First thing tomorrow Joe and I will go to the mainland and phone Ike and Tad. If they’re sore at Hanleigh, maybe they’ll give us a lead on what his game is.”
    â€œYes, and we’ll ask if they’re running taxi service for a ghost!” Joe grinned.
    â€œMaybe this turbaned fellow stole our food,” Chet remarked. “Say, what are we going to do about that?”
    Frank laughed. “Tomorrow Joe and I will buy supplies. But you and Biff will have to stay and guard the island.”
    â€œI’ll admit I’m hungry as a bear, too,” Joe said.
    â€œLikewise!” Biff put

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