HOSTILE: A Military Romance Novel (Military Men Book 1)

Free HOSTILE: A Military Romance Novel (Military Men Book 1) by Leila Haven

Book: HOSTILE: A Military Romance Novel (Military Men Book 1) by Leila Haven Read Free Book Online
Authors: Leila Haven
He took back the door key, twisting it between his fingers.
    Ariana shifted between us. “We’re kind of in a hurry. You see, we came a long way and I’m very tired. My husband here is trying to make sure I have plenty of rest. I’m expecting our first child,” she said, not missing a beat. She even managed to bat her eyelids at both me and the hotel guy. “May we have the key so I can rest?”
    The guy smiled at her, an actual, genuine smile. “Of course, madam. Here it is. The room is just down the hall. Get some sleep.”
    “Thank you so much.” She took the key and started walking. All I could do was follow.
    We didn’t speak again until we were inside the room, then I could breathe a sigh of relief – even if the room was no bigger than the double bed inside. “I’m not sure if I should be impressed or scared with the way you can lie so easily.”
    “Be both,” she replied. “At least I saved the room that you were about to lose.”
    “I wasn’t going to lose it.”
    “Yes, you were.”
    “No, I wasn’t.”
    She stood with her hands on her hips, looking sexy as hell. The bed was next to her, so close I could have thrown her on it and had her naked in seconds. It was way too tempting not to notice.
    My dick noticed too.
    “What’s your problem?” she asked.
    I sat on the edge of the bed and took off my boots so I didn’t have to look at her. “I don’t have a problem. What’s yours?”
    “You’re my problem.”
    “I’m the one trying to save your life,” I pointed out.
    “You really think that, don’t you? Has anyone told you you’ve got a God complex before?”
    “I don’t have a God complex. It’s my job to get you home.”
    “Was sleeping with me part of that mission?”
    I reluctantly dragged my gaze up to meet hers and instantly wished I hadn’t. Her eyes were full of hurt and accusations. She was mad, but disappointed too.
    It was better this way. I just had to keep reminding myself of that.
    “I didn’t hear you complaining,” I replied. “In fact, I only heard you encouraging me, so I don’t know what you’re whining about now.”
    “Are you serious?”
    “What? Are you expecting an apology or something? You want me to say sorry for fucking you? It takes two to tango, babe. You could have said no at any time.”
    She threw up her hands and stormed into the bathroom, making sure to slam the door after her. It was done with such force that it made all the walls shake. The guy at the reception desk probably felt it.
    Ariana was definitely mad at me. Her goodbye was definitely going to be an easy one. On her part, anyway. I got the feeling I was going to miss her more than I would admit to anyone.
    She was sexy when she was mad, which made it all that much more torturous trying to keep up the ruse. We had to pretend to be a couple to get around the city; otherwise people were going to question our propriety in being together. But it was going to be difficult. My dick was already finding it hard, and it had only been less than half an hour.
    When Ariana finished up in the bathroom, she returned wearing nothing but a towel. A fog of steam followed her out, making it look as though she was emerging from a daydream.
    “You’re an asshole, you know that?” she said as she plunked on the bed.
    “Fully aware,” I replied, purposefully keeping my gaze out the window. If I took one more look at her in nothing but a towel, knowing what luscious curves were underneath, I was going to lose my self-control.
    I had to keep my hands off her. Fucking her once was a mistake. If it happened again, I deserved all the punishment that would surely head my way.
    My dick was starting to come alive knowing she was so close and naked. It needed a lot more action than just one night for it to be satisfied.
    I hurried to the bathroom and closed the door. Leaning against

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