The Antarctic Discovery (Novelette)
They could not enter the alien
object and they could not leave it, and they would surely be caught
there, especially after everything that had occurred!
    The commander contacted someone on his phone
and waited for a few minutes and some men arrived with
communications equipment. Then Weaver asked them to put him through
to Commander Craven, and he was surprised when their people there
got Commander Craven and he started communicating with him,
wondering where he was and what he was doing, and for five minutes
Weaver explained everything that he could to him and that he was at
the ice station base of the gunmen and what they and it were, but
missed out explaining what the alien object was.
    The conversation finally ended with Weaver
asking the Russian commander to allow them to bring some men there
and he agreed and told them that he would have some of his men at
Ice Station X1 bring them over to the base in one of the large

Chapter 16
    The Alien
    The colossal
black alien voyager rested shining in bright light, beamed from
intense spotlights all around it, with vast amounts of classified
equipment of the Russian scientists surrounding it, with them
monitoring and trying to explore what was there.
    Weaver and
Commander Craven stood together stunned with their mouths open
studying its dark form vaguely buried in the Antarctic ice,
astonished at its colossal perfect symmetrical shape and its
    The Russian
scientists there continually told them of its powers even existing
beyond the universe, in outer dimensions and time zones, which they
claimed they had detected.
    The Russian
base commander shifted next to them, and also stood dazed as though
he had not seen it in a long time.
    “ Have you
the technology to communicate with it?” Commander Craven finally
gasped, to the Russian commander.
    “ We still
haven’t been able to create a proper first contact situation! We
now believe that it was trying to communicate with visitations!
Like the dead man in spacesuit that arrived at your dinner table,
and the thing that tried to appear as an energy cloud!”
    “ All that
stuff was created by it! Have you entered it?”
    “ We were
unable to open it or even scratch its surface, especially when we
attempted to create an entrance point! But one of your scientists
helped us though! One of your scientists called Willis entered this
cavity down here and entered it!”
    “ Willis?”
Weaver replied.
    The Russian
commander called over one of his men and had him go and get him,
and Willis soon arrived.
    “ Tell
them what happened!”
    “ I
explored the cavity and spacecraft!” Willis replied. “I fell asleep
near what I believe was the front, and an entrance was opened when
I awoke! I entered it and I transported into a region inside, where
I became part of it and saw visions from its voyage!”
    “ Where
did it come from?” Commander Craven gasped.
    “ I do not
know! I was unable to realize much!”
    “ What
happened then?”
    “ When I
climbed out I was captured by some of the Russian soldiers! Who
started questioning me! They believe it opened in response to my
dream, where I mentally opened an entrance in it!”
    “ What
happened then?”
    “ The
soldiers were part of the same soldiers that were behind the
shootings!” the Russian commander declared. “As you have been told,
we were only to dig it up and investigate it, which we fully have
not done! We are trapped here! We cannot leave such a dangerous
object here!”
    “ So the
deaths and shootings were done by a Russian renegade group that you
told us of? Where are they?”
    “ They
were after technology from it, which they were unable to get until
Willis managed to enter it! They were stopping anyone for getting
anything before they could get it! They managed to get something
from it and have left! They left some of the soldiers working for
them behind!”
    “ So they
copied Willis and entered it again?”
    “ Yes!
They copied

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