The Antarctic Discovery (Novelette)
them! There was a good chance that he could miss in such
conditions. For all he knew the severe wind and snow could alter
the bullet’s path, and that could have been why the gunmen
    He started to rush, as he saw he could get
them, from behind, and he was getting near when he saw the Russian
scientist’s figure appear through a region of the blizzard that had
cleared and he watched one gunman raise his gun and knew he would
kill him and he fired at him first before he pressed the trigger,
and before he hit the ground he rushed over with his gun aimed
directly at the second gunman, and shouted at him to drop his
    The soldier studied him for a second and
dropped it and he rushed up to him and took his gun, and rolled the
body of the other gunman over and checked he was dead, and called
the Russian scientist over and they marched on with the gunman at
the front, with his gun aimed at his back.

Chapter 15
    The Secret Base
    At large empty region of flat snow the gunman
stopped and they allowed him to contact someone, and Weaver
wondered where he was talking to!
    There was nothing around anywhere, perhaps
going out for miles everywhere, and he was communicating with
someone, clearly near there, for permission to enter somewhere.
    The Russian scientist checked what he said
for him!
    He was then shocked when the ground at their
front burst opened with bright light exploding out, like an immense
brightly lit ice cave opening out, and he saw a ramp going
downwards into somewhere and that large vehicles had been driven
down into it.
    It was staggering that such a large
underground structure could be built there under their feet!
    The entrance closed behind them when they
marched down the ramp going down into the tunnel, and he started to
wonder why they had built it if the alien object was a cover up for
    Yet what the hell would they be doing next to
the ice station? Then he recalled the missiles and telescope and
gasped, and was amazed at how he had gone along with it! Was this
their attempt to exterminate him?
    He decided to be on guard to the approach of
anything and studied everything in front of them, and started to
dismiss the gunman as being a useful hostage that would stop them
killing him, and thought of ways to survive any confrontation
    If he could only get to see the commander of
the base, and persuaded the Russian scientist into taking him to
see him! And he was surprised that was where they were going!
    They marched through corridors virtually
identical to the ice station, and he realized that they had
attempted to make a miniature version of it.
    They were mainly temporary accommodations and
recreation places for personnel there and he started to see they
were more normal than he had expected, except for the gunmen and
their killings. Yet he had a feeling that there was far more there
and the base was far bigger somewhere than he was imagining it!
    At the base commander’s room they entered and
were shown into seats and Weaver immediately realized that he spoke
English and with a slight Russian accent and clearly wanted to talk
to him.
    “ So you have caught one of our
renegades!” he spoke firmly, examining Weaver holding his gun at
the man, making sure he never did anything!
    The Russian scientist spoke to the commander
in Russian for a few seconds and the commander agreed with him,
about something.
    Weaver realized that they had agreement and
they were trying to carry out a plan, and he considered what it
could be.
    “ If you put down your weapon I will
have him arrested! We will not do anything to you!”
    “ I’ll only put down my gun once you
give me a communication device to speak to Ice Station X1 to inform
them that I have completed my mission!”
    The commander looked vaguely surprised and
smiled and Weaver accepted that they might want to make contact
with them and handle the situation, as they were trapped there, and
that something was going to happen.

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