The Antarctic Discovery (Novelette)
what Willis did and sent a man into it!”
    “ What did
they get?” Weaver gasped, wondering why they were all gasping at
the incident so much.
    “ We are
not fully sure what they got! They sent a man into it and we
believe it tried to make contact again, but it seems to have not
been able to do what it wanted! Which we do not fully know what! We
believe it rewarded the man for the attempt by giving him
something! We believe it could be a danger to mankind!”

Chapter 17
    What the hell
had they done? Had they contacted the voyager with the telescope
beneath the ice station?
    Now that Weaver
knew the situation he realized that it was worse! The technology,
power, and size of the voyager was far greater than anything he
thought mankind could ever create, and he could not even explain
its existence!
    All the
scientists from the ice station were there and staggered, and some
looked as though they were making plans to abandon the Antarctic!
The thing was a danger and indestructible, and had not been
properly checked, and they had only been able to check a few of its
basic functions from the two people who had entered it, and nobody
had really shown any proper awareness of the function of it as far
as he was concerned!
    They had not
found a way to activate its entrance into opening again and making
contact with it, and that was the only final way of finding out
what it was for. Yet they had Willis who was confident in doing it
again, but totally refused to contact it unless there was a good
    He stayed with
Willis and kept him near, and he knew if something was going to
happen that he would be there, as he was sure it had chosen him for
something and that they would need to use him for anything!
    “ We
haven’t found a way to communicate with it!” a scientist with the
scientists from the ice station underground telescope announced, as
he walked over to him and Willis, as they stood next to where the
entrance had opened on the voyager.
    “ What
have you been trying?” Weaver asked curiously, amazed at all of the
scientists crammed around the voyager, and into the massive
    It was
incredible the way the scientists from the ice station had all
burst into life when they all had seen it, and he and most of them
were astonished at the experience and knowledge the Russians had on
the things to do with the voyager!
    It was as
though the scientists had been waiting all their lives for the
opportunity, and that they never knew the deadliness of it!
    “ It has
not replied to anything we have done!” the scientist continued,
showing all the equipment that they had brought over from the ice
station. “We used the telescope and the telescope equipment over
there to communicate with it! We have finally got a chance to test
out stuff and it is not replying!”
    “ Incredible!” Weaver gasped.
    “ We have
also gone by all the instructions given in the Alien Source Code –
which is a combination of old and updated procedure put together
for basic first contact situations!”
    “ So we
are still trying to find a way to talk to it!”
    “ Correct!” he replied firmly, hoping for an answer from
    “ Well!”
Willis answered. “I’ll add what I think! I believe that what’s
active is equivalent to our subconscious mind, while it is in a
type of sleep or suspended animation, which carries out various
functions for it. I think it is either part of the voyager or
attached to it! And for some reason it wanted us here, especially
by crashing into this world and at this exact site! And I think it
was unable to do something when it made physical contact with
    Weaver was left
confused, as he started to see the problem in more depth and that
they could be stuck with it.
    “ I think
we should find another way to enter it!” a scientist from another
nearby group announced, to their amazement.
    “ How will
we go about doing that?” Weaver asked. “The thing is

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