Claimed by the Wolf Prince

Free Claimed by the Wolf Prince by Marguerite Kaye

Book: Claimed by the Wolf Prince by Marguerite Kaye Read Free Book Online
Authors: Marguerite Kaye
own destiny.”
    Iona could bear it no longer, but threw herself into his arms. “Struan! Oh, Struan…”
    â€œIona, I love you. You have given me the courage and the strength to be true to myself. I love you.”
    â€œOh, Struan, I love you so much.” He felt her shudder against him. He placed a brief kiss on the top of her head.
    It was almost over. Struan turned to his people one last time. “My brother Eoin will be your prince now. I leave you in the safest of hands. He is young, but he is an Alpha like me, and a most formidable warrior as you know. I bid you welcome him.”
    Struan placed the crown on Eoin’s head. The brothers embraced. Eoin gripped Struan’s hand tightly. “Struan, by the gods, do you know what you’re doing?”
    â€œNo, but I know it has to be done,” Struan replied with a wry smile. “Keep the pack safe, brother. I wish you the very best of luck, but I doubt you’ll need it. There is no one more fit to rule Kentarra than you. You will pass on my regrets to our sister when she returns?”
    â€œSorcha. I had not thought— She will be devastated not to have been able to say goodbye. But you are not going forever, Struan. You’ll come back and visit us?”
    â€œPerhaps. We will see. Now go and greet your people.” Struan touched the noses of his wolves, and bid them sit by their new master. Eoin, the new Alpha prince, was soon surrounded by his cheering pack.
    Watching him, Struan felt euphoric with relief. This unfamiliar feeling, it must be true happiness. He wanted to whoop with joy. The same happiness reflected in Iona’s face as he turned to her. “Come, my love, it is time for us to leave this place.”
    They slipped away, almost unnoticed, into a waiting sgoth. Struan lifted Iona into the boat and pushed it out onto the sea as Iona struggled out of the Binding gown, and threw it to the shore. The waves pulled them quickly from the beach. As he let loose the sail, Struan raised an arm to Kentarra in farewell, and to his brother, a rapidly diminishing figure on the beach. Eoin waved back. After a moment, so too did most of Clan Wolf. There would be a time for reflection and sadness. A time for remembering, but it was not now. Struan turned his back on the Isle of Kentarra. Pulling Iona into the shelter of his arms, he wrapped his pelt cloak around them both.
    â€œI can’t believe you’ve sacrificed so much for me. I would never have asked…never have expected. Oh, my darling, are you sure?” Iona asked, cupping his jaw in her hand.
    â€œI have never been surer or anything in my life,” Struan said. “You have claimed my heart. Feel how it beats for you.” He took her hand and laid it on his chest. “It always will, for you and you alone. I love you, Iona. Gràdh mo chrìidh.”
    â€œLove of my heart, you are to me, too, Struan. I would move the sun and moon and stars for you.”
    He laughed. “You already have, my love. You already have.”

Look for the second installment in the Legend of the Faol series, Bound to the Wolf Prince , available April 2011 wherever ebooks are sold.
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