
Free ToLoveaLady by Cynthia Sterling

Book: ToLoveaLady by Cynthia Sterling Read Free Book Online
Authors: Cynthia Sterling
need to discuss with Lady Thorndale.” He walked over to Cecily and offered his hand. “Would you come with me a moment, dear? Won’t take a minute, I assure you.”
    He led her into the small office, just off the dining room. Only then did the smile drop from his face. “You do know what Madame LeFleur and her ‘girls’ do for a living, don’t you?
    She busied her hands straightening the ruffle around the neckline of her dress and avoided looking at him. “Honestly, Charles, I’m not a naive child.”
    Even as she said the words, her cheeks flushed the color of ripe peaches. He thought of her ardent response to him before and wondered at the passion hidden beneath her surface innocence. “Then surely you’ll agree that it isn’t proper for a lady such as yourself to dine with women such as them.”
    All pretense at demureness fell away as she raised her gaze to confront him. Her eyes flashed with anger and her voice was sharp with indignation. “I ate with them before I knew who they were — on the train. They’re my friends, no matter their background.”
    How was he supposed to charm his way out of this one? It wasn’t as if he was a snob — far from it. “I’m merely concerned because I see you as entrusted to my care and I must guard not only your reputation, but your parents’ opinion of me. Surely they wouldn’t approve of this evening’s dinner companions.”
    Her expression softened. “Probably not. But my parents are thousands of miles away from here. And I doubt any of your Texas friends will care. Texans seem so egalitarian in their views.”
    “You forget the servants. They are neither Texan, nor egalitarian.”
    She frowned. “That is precisely part of the problem. Alice and Mrs. Bridges refuse to sit at the same table with Madame LeFleur. I suggested a separate seating altogether, but Mrs. Bridges flew into a rage, saying she could not be expected to prepare three dinners each evening. She said she would give notice at once. It took me quite a while to calm her down. I thought this was the best solution, since I knew I could count on you to be a gentleman about it.”
    The words might have been idle flattery, but the look she gave him was all sincerity. What had he done to deserve such faith from this woman? He scarcely felt capable of living up to her elevated opinion of him.
    But he would do his best. “Then by all means, Madame LeFleur and the other two may dine with us.” He’d do whatever he could to see that the situation did not last long.
    “We’d better get back to them,” Cecily said. “They’ll be wondering what happened to us.”
    She started forward, but he put a hand on her arm. “Wait. There’s one other thing I need to tell you.”
    “Yes?” She gave him a questioning look.
    “I sent a telegram to your father today, letting him know you’d arrived safely.”
    “Why thank you, Charles.” She covered his hand with her own. “That was so thoughtful of you. I’d intended to write, but now he won’t have to wait for my letter.”
    “I wouldn’t be surprised if he doesn’t send a reply thundering back. Running away as you did is bound to have infuriated him.” Lord Marbridge had a temper and he didn’t like to be thwarted. In that respect at least, he was very like Charles’ own father. Charles only hoped the man wouldn’t be too hard on Cecily.
    “He may be a little upset at first, but I’m sure once he thinks about it, he’ll see this is for the best.” Cecily patted his hand, then moved toward the door once more. “As soon as we’re married, he’ll forget all about it.”
    As soon as they were married, Charles’s father would be airing out the dowager house, handing over the family business, and preparing to rule his eldest son’s life from the comfort of a so-called retirement. Texas would become a distant memory, freedom a thing of myth. “Let’s go in to eat,” he said abruptly, and took Cecily’s arm once more.
    Their three guests

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