Death Among the Doilies

Free Death Among the Doilies by Mollie Cox Bryan

Book: Death Among the Doilies by Mollie Cox Bryan Read Free Book Online
Authors: Mollie Cox Bryan
learned over the years that sometimes you needed to walk away, gain some distance.
    That space and time served her well. She dug down deep, as she drove, and decided it was all worth fighting for—every piece of this new life of hers. This is exactly what she would do with the help of Cora, Cashel, and Ruby. They were counting on her. As was London. She couldn’t let them down. Not this time. Not these people.
    The moon shone brightly on Kildare House. She pulled into the driveway, exited her car, and stood in the light of the moon, whispering a little prayer that her new secret wouldn’t destroy everything.
    The secret that had been hers to keep could also be the secret that destroyed a friendship. She had to be careful about this, because it was also her alibi. Every secret found its way out, eventually. She grimaced. She had just been hoping to keep it a little while longer.
    * * *
    Jane, Cora, and Ruby met in the kitchen the next morning to go over some last-minute details about the retreat. What time was Jude getting in? When would their first crafter arrive? Did they have enough coffee, tea, and munchies? While the meeting was going on, Cora whipped up yet another batch of blueberry muffins.
    â€œYou can never have enough muffins on hand,” Cora said. She pulled out the last batch.
    â€œI agree wholeheartedly,” Ruby said, barely looking up from the scarf she was knitting.
    â€œLet’s go over the list one more time, just to make sure we are covered,” Cora said as she set the muffins on her cooling rack, their smell taunting her. With her emotions running on high, she could eat about a dozen or so.
    As Jane read items off the list, Cora made another pot of coffee.
    â€œYou can’t have enough coffee, either,” Ruby said.
    â€œOr chocolate,” Cora said.
    â€œOr sex,” Jane added, then burst out laughing.
    The doorbell rang. Could it be? Could their famous broom maker be arriving? All three women headed for the front door.
    When Jude Sawyer, the broom maker, walked into Kildare House, it was as if he filled it. Not that he was such a huge man, though he was tall and well built, with wide shoulders, narrow hips, and long legs. It was more his sheer presence. Charisma radiated from him. Cora, Jane, and Ruby greeted him and flitted around him like a group of chickadees.
    â€œI’m so glad you could make it. It’s good you’re here a bit early, too,” Cora said.
    â€œCan I get you anything?” Ruby, normally a bit dour, suddenly perked up. Her face was a little pink and her eyes brightened as she smiled. Her happy face complemented the rainbow sweater she wore—handmade with hand-dyed wool, of course. “Cora just made blueberry muffins and a fresh pot of coffee.”
    Jude looked at her a bit bashfully. The younger man knew he was appreciated by women, including this woman, old enough to be his mother. Was he embarrassed? Cora wondered. Or was it false humility?
    â€œHow about some coffee?” he asked Ruby.
    â€œWe’ve got the coffeepot on most of the time,” Ruby replied. “How do you like it?”
    â€œBlack,” he said.
    â€œI’ll show you to your room while Ruby gets your coffee,” Jane said. “You can put your things away and get a feel for the place.”
    Cora watched Jude take Jane in. He apparently liked what he saw. Her long black hair was pulled up into a messy bun. She had just smeared red lipstick onto her upturned lips before he entered the house. It brought out those deep blue eyes of hers. Soulful, just like Jane.
    Cora and Jane hadn’t had a chance to catch up yet, between getting London off to school, breakfast, and attending to last-minute details.
    â€œGorgeous woodwork,” Jude said, his hands grazing the banister as he and Jane made their way up the stairs.
    â€œThe house was built in 1892,” Jane said. “There are so many wonderful details. The woodwork. The

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