Going Solo (New Song)

Free Going Solo (New Song) by Brenda Barrett

Book: Going Solo (New Song) by Brenda Barrett Read Free Book Online
Authors: Brenda Barrett
on the desk.
    A few days ago, he was not even actively thinking about Alice but now that she was here he felt an intense craving to be with her. In just two days, his world had turned into a surprising upheaval. Now he wished he was in her arms and not thinking about the past, the present, nor the future except just being with her. He glanced at his watch. It was four o'clock. Ruby had said she would drop Mia off at home at around eight.
    He looked at his phone again. Nah, he would not call Alice but it was a good evening to go home early; maybe trim up his bougainvillea and mow his lawn.  His yard was looking a bit unkempt and that was not acceptable in his neighborhood.
    He grabbed his briefcase and headed through the door.

    Chapter Nine
    Alice spent a restive day pacing the pool area after Carson had stalked off, leaving her at the pier. It did not help matters that Al Green's, "How Can You Mend A Broken Heart" was being played over the motel's public address system.
    The opening lines spoke to her deeply: I can think of younger days... I could never see tomorrow... I was never told about the sorrow. She was sobbing uncontrollably by the time the song had ended. She felt a hand on her shoulder and turned her tear-stained face in the direction of the touch. It was Herb.
    "It can't be that bad," he said, sitting across from her.
    "It's not," Alice said, wiping her face. "It's just that that song is speaking to me right now."
    She felt embarrassed. She was turning into a weeping, wimpy crybaby. She had spent years trying to suppress her emotions and her memories—her running away, as Carson had called it. This visit was eliciting such strong emotions that she wondered if she could stand up under the burden of it.
    "You have a broken heart, huh?" Herb said, sadly. "Trust me, it will pass."
    "My case is not the usual type of broken heart," Alice said. "I...er...coming here has been cathartic, I guess."
    She looked at her phone. She desperately wanted to call Carson and let him know that she would face the music as he said. Who was she kidding? She wanted to see him, to touch him, to burrow herself in his arms and forget everything, to fit herself so close to him that she would not know where he started or where she ended.
    She got up. "Excuse me, Herb."
    He nodded and she walked to the room.
    She washed her face, pulled on a tie-and-dye maxi dress, and pushed her feet in a matching pair of slippers. She called Carson. She had wanted to do it all day. Why deny herself now? Carson answered just as she stepped out of her room. Al Green's I'm So Tired Of Being Alone came on. She almost laughed out loud at how well the music was mirroring her mood.
    When Carson answered, she quickly said, "Can we meet somewhere?"
    Carson paused before answering her. "I'm at home. Just got in."
    Alice swallowed. "Is Mia there?" She knew her voice sounded timid but she did not want to face her daughter right now. She just wanted to be with Carson.
    "No," Carson said, "She's out with Ruby, Ian's wife."
    "Oh." Alice bit her lip.
    "She'll be back, around eight," Carson added helpfully.
    She looked at her watch. It was five-thirty. She could see him and then slip away before Mia got back or maybe she should not intrude in their lives. Visiting their home would make it much harder to leave when it was time for her to return to the States.
    "I'll call Ruby and ask her to keep her an extra hour," Carson said roughly.
    "Where do you live?" Alice asked, almost breathlessly. "I mean... I... er... I might show up."
    "It's fifteen minutes from where you are," Carson said. He gave her directions and hung up. He did not cajoled her or argue about her paltry “I might show up”. He heard the need in her voice. She left the pool area with Al Green's Here I Am, Come And Take Me , ringing in her ears. Alice almost ran to her car. When she arrived at the entrance to the gated community where Carson lived, she was taken aback.
    The neighborhood was very upscale

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