Trapped In Shadow (Shadow Walker Romance Series Book 4)

Free Trapped In Shadow (Shadow Walker Romance Series Book 4) by Caryn Moya Block

Book: Trapped In Shadow (Shadow Walker Romance Series Book 4) by Caryn Moya Block Read Free Book Online
Authors: Caryn Moya Block
their line of work, tomorrow wasn’t promised. They only had today.
    Hugh’s fingers went to the shell buttons on her silk shirt. He needed his hands on her. They’d waited so long, almost missed their chance. Thank the Great Spirit they’d found each other again. He pushed the black shirt from her body. His hand caressed the skin of her tight stomach before finding her breast still encased in silk lace. He undid the front clasp of her bra and then bent her backwards to let his lips explore her silky flesh. He sucked a distended nipple into the heat of his mouth, pulling hard.
    “Hugh,” Stacey moaned. 
    She held him close, her nails pricking his scalp like a kneading kitten. Hugh switched sides, enjoying the gasp and whimper that fell from her lips when he lathed the tight nubbin.
    “So good,” she whispered.
    Her breath flowed over his skin causing his engorged flesh to get even harder. He moaned. He needed to get out of the leather pants before he permanently damaged himself. Stacey grabbed at his shoulders when he pulled back.
    “Clothes off. Now.” Hugh fumbled with the buttons on her pants. She batted his hands away and took over the task. He went to work on his own pants instead. Peeling the leather down and off, kicking his boots off in the process. He reached for the buttons on his shirt. Stacey was there before him.
    “Let me.”
    She undid the shirt and pushed it off his shoulders in no time. Hugh paused. Taking in the sight of his naked mate. Her toned, muscular body was a weapon in itself. He lifted her into his arms and headed for the bedroom. Luckily, it wasn’t far.
    He laid her on the velvet comforter and followed her down settling on top of her, his erection rubbing against her hot center. He wanted to be inside her, melding them together.
    “You’re so beautiful,” he said, pushing a strand of hair off her face.
    “You don’t need to give me pretty words. I want you. Now.” Stacey wrapped her legs around his hips.
    Hugh positioned himself, nudging at her opening. “You deserve pretty words. You deserve everything. I love you.” He sank deeply, pushing past any resistance.
    She was hot, squeezing him like a fist. He paused, afraid if he moved, it would be over way too soon. He groaned. Stacey pulled him closer, if that was even possible.
    “Hugh, I need you.” Stacey’s whole body trembled with desire. She would go up in flames, her body felt so hot. “Please, baby.”
    As if her begging finally got through the haze of lust holding them in its grip, Hugh pulled back. He sank in again, hitting nerves Stacey forgot she possessed. It had been a long time since she’d allowed someone to touch her skin, hold her close. Her hands gripped his butt. There would probably be bruises, but she needed him deeper.
    She locked her ankles behind his back, squeezing him with her thighs. He pounded harder, deeper, filling her completely. Stacey groaned. Flames licked her skin. Moisture covered them both. Her hands moved up his back, her nails scoring his skin.
    Hugh increased the tempo, one arm locking her tightly, as he thrust into her.
    “Open your eyes. Look at me!” Hugh demanded.
    Stacey forced her eyes open. Hugh’s face was a mask of concentration. His eyes glittered and his jaw clenched. His body became a piston thrusting inside her, with hard muscles pushing. They were connected. Both of them panting, their breath washed over each other.
    “Give it to me. Come on, Stacey. Let go, I’ve got you.”
    Stacey couldn’t look away. Her focus narrowed. She could almost see their auras merging, male and female, two souls becoming one. Hugh pushed deep. She detonated. Thrown into heaven by the man holding her. Pleasure rushed over her.
    Hugh yelled her name. Another wash of warmth filled her. He buried his face in her neck, his arm tightening around her. They were together. She was safe.
    Stacey woke a few minutes later to a warm cloth between her thighs. She blinked up sleepily at

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