Heart's Design: A Contemporary Christian Romance
stared at her. “No,” he said slowly. “You really don’t like Jenica, do you, Bev? I thought you were only teasing yesterday.”
    “It’s not that so much that I don’t like Jenica, but I see something special in Caroline. Something that’d be good for you. Whether you want to admit it or not, you see the same thing.”
    “Care to enlighten me?” He sat up straighter as the oven timer buzzed. Rising from the bench, Beverly proceeded to pull the biscuits from the oven and set the tray on the counter.
    “First of all, tell me what attracts you to Caroline,” she said. “You want your usual breakfast?”
    “Yes, but I can get it.”
    Taking the plate she handed him, Seth headed to the sideboard where the food sat warming in silver buffet-style serving trays. He loaded up on scrambled eggs, sausage, bacon and fresh fruit. Nobody made a better breakfast than Beverly Landon. His mother did once upon a time, but she hadn’t made breakfast for him in a long time.
    “I don’t suppose you’d believe me if I said it’s nothing more than physical attraction?”
    “You’re right. I don’t believe you although she’s a beautiful girl. She doesn’t seem to know it, and I’m sure that’s part of her appeal. She’s intelligent, well-spoken, and I see a gentle kindness in her. But there’s also a certain sense of…I don’t know…a sadness, about her, I suppose. And even though I suspect she comes from old money, she seems grounded. Not at all spoiled. With all that wavy blonde hair and pretty green eyes, in some ways, she reminds me of my Liesel. I used to hope you’d look at Liesel that way.”
    “Which way is that?” Seth feigned ignorance. Grabbing a knife and the blueberry jam, he slathered it on a warm, soft biscuit. He’d loved Liesel for years, but she’d never appealed to him as more than a good friend. From what he knew, Liesel looked at him as more of a half-brother. Both of them had always been more than fine with their teasing relationship. Paul was one of his best friends, and he couldn’t have been more thrilled when he and Liesel started dating and then fell in love. They made a great couple. In some ways, he was envious, but he was nowhere near ready to take that kind of step in his relationship with Jenica. He might never be ready for that step. With Jenica.
    “You know very well what I mean.”
    “Bev, pardon the expression, but get real. Your daughter had no more interest in me in that way than I had in her. She’s marrying the best guy for her and you know it, so it’s a moot point.”
    “Oh, I know that, honey. I’m just making an observation but every girl I’ve ever seen you with has always been a brunette. Including Jenica.”
    At least she got the name right this time. Beverly waited as he sat at the table and said grace silently, but Seth felt her eyes on him the entire time. Maybe he should pray without ceasing for a while or until she stopped boring holes through him.
    “So? Give me some credit here, Bev. The girls I’ve dated just happened to have dark hair. It wasn’t like I purposely avoided blondes.” He shrugged. “It doesn’t really matter since I’ll probably never see Caroline again after this weekend, anyway. Besides, there’s a bigger issue at stake.” He took a bite of his eggs and then added a forkful of sausage.
    As she worked in the kitchen, Beverly was silent while he savored the taste of the hot, fresh biscuit. Best in the world. Finally, she stopped and parked a hand on her hip, glancing at him over one shoulder. “I can wait and be as stubborn as you, young man. You just keep stuffing that food in your mouth, mister, but you’re not leaving my kitchen until you explain yourself.”
    After downing a swig of the orange juice she put on the table in front of him, Seth smacked his lips. “That’s good stuff.” Pausing with his fork above his plate, he met Bev’s gaze and held it, unwavering. “Okay, here’s the thing: Caroline’s going to

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