Rookie Mistake: A Sports Romance Novel (The Beasts of Baseball Book 1)
shaved. Holly was trying to hide the fact that she was pissed as she stood there, waiting for the girls still sitting in our booth to leave. Whitney leaned over the table and whispered something to a blonde. She spoke to her friend next to her, and the women scurried out with their tails tucked between their legs like little wounded puppies.
    I had no idea Whitney had a tough side. I liked it… a lot!
    I watched as Ace continued to flirt with several of the women surrounding him, and his fingers came dangerously close to the shaved pussy of the one on his lap. Holly leaned in and whispered something in his ear. He smiled, stared at her for a moment before gently pushing the little brunette to her feet, then said something to disassemble the herd of women that were in our private section. Okay, so Holly obviously had some game too, good for her!
    Whitney sipped on her drink while my hand played with her leg under the table. Her skin was so soft, so inviting that all I wanted to do was take her home and sink into it. “Are you ready?” I asked, my hand gliding farther up her thigh. She leaned towards Holly, whispered something in her ear that I couldn’t hear and then turned back towards me.
    “She isn’t ready to go.”
    I lifted a shoulder. “She’s a big girl. She can stay.”
    “I’ll take good care of her,” Ace said, leaning over to interject into our conversation. Holly squeezed his arm and nibbled on his neck. The irritation in Whitney’s eyes bordered on toxic.
    “One more drink,” she offered, and I nearly groaned out loud.
    Ace held his hand in the air and snapped his fingers at the waitress. She nodded and scurried to the bar where she loaded her tray with another round of drinks.
    “I don’t want a shot,” Whitney spouted as the waitress placed the four glasses down onto the table. She placed another fruity drink in front of the ladies, then set two beers in front of me and Ace. The asshole smirked at me, leaving me to explain that the four shots were ours, not the girls. Great!
    Ace slid two shots in my direction. I pushed them back. “No way man, I’ve had enough,” I said, mostly because of the look I was receiving from Whitney.
    “I’ll take one.” Holly smiled, and I slid one of mine towards her. She looked at Whitney, giving her a glance as if they were speaking telepathically. It was evident by her head shake and pursed lips she wasn’t interested in the shot.
    “Don’t be a little bitch,” Ace teased.
    I didn’t make eye contact with Whit. Instead, I just gripped the shot glass in my hand and held it towards Holly’s and Ace’s for the toast.
    “To great friendships, may they last forever,” Ace said loudly, and we slung the liquor down our throats.
    He quickly grabbed the fourth one and sucked it down. I noticed his attention being diverted from Holly and towards the cute little brunette that had been on his lap earlier. “I’ll be right back, have to hit the head,” he stated and quickly moved towards the men’s room where the little brunette followed.
    Whitney tried to reason with Holly while Ace was gone. “You need to just come home with us; you can see him again,” she insisted. “If you go home with him tonight, you’re nothing more than a one-night stand.”
    Her words were useless. Holly was adamant about her plans to spend the night with Ace. “I’ll be fine.”
    “What if he leaves you and takes off with one of those whores he was fawning all over earlier?” Whitney argued.
    She made a good point, because I was almost certain the little brunette was getting a ride on the Ace Newman train right about now, probably pushed up against a dirty stall wall, moaning as some random guy took a shit, forced to listen beside them.
    “He won’t leave me, trust me,” Holly said with confidence.
    Twenty-five minutes later, Ace finally came back. His face was flushed, and sweat beaded up on his forehead. It was obvious what he had just done, but just in case it

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