Surprise Mating

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Book: Surprise Mating by Jana Leigh Read Free Book Online
Authors: Jana Leigh
    Following them was not in his mission; however, it may make his mission easier if he found out what they were up to.  Hopefully they would go to the clan he was already visiting and he wouldn ’t have to explain too much.  Giovanni was taking a chance and he knew it, but he needed to find the ones he was searching for, a lot depended on it.
    Thomas and Kiki went about their way, and Sydney felt it right when they left the compound, she wanted to scream in frustration.  How could she have fucked up this bad?  All she wanted was to be someone her mother could be proud of.
    She felt the tears gathering in her eyes, but she refused to let them fall.  She was stronger than that.  All the years of putting up with people ’s shit because she was different was enough to harden anyone, but she had kept a glimmer of hope buried down deep that she would find her mate and they would live happily ever after.  Of course, that was too easy for her.  No, it had to be difficult.  Well there was only one thing left to do and that was to make them proud of her and realize that she wasn’t the conniving bitch they thought she was.
    Taking a deep breath, she returned to the house and sought out Pilar, she would be able to help her.  Before she found her though, she needed to do something with the three crazy bitches who were in charge.  Sydney had to admit she kinda admired them, they didn’t take shit from anyone.
    She wanted to be that type of girl, and until she challenged the Alpha bitch, she hadn’t been so bold, but something told her that it was going to work in her favor when push came to shove.
    Sydney took a deep breath and went to find the trio of darkness, as they liked to be called.  She could hear them since they had just arrived ba ck from searching right when she walked in the door.  There was silence as they stared at her in a mixture of pity, fury, and amusement. 
    “ They are gone,” Calli said snarkily.
    “ I know, I felt it when they left the warded area.  Are they going to be alright?” she asked slowly.
    “ They kinda mated, so they will be fine,” Cherri said slowly.
    Sydney felt the tears that were threatening earlier begin to pour down her face as she watched in horror as the others nodded their head s. 
    “ Oh shit,” Calli said moaning. “We were wrong, weren’t we?  You did care in your own twisted backwards ass country way.”
    Sydney sniffed and wiped the tears from her face.  “ I never meant to hurt them, I just didn’t think.”
    “ Well fuck, now I feel bad for the little munchkin, we have to help her.  And I have to apologize, so this is my apology, princeAss, we need to work on our communication skills.”  Calli yelled at her friends, “I said keep it a secret!”
    “ Well she had a right to know,” Cherri argued.  Rissa had remained quiet throughout the whole thing and when Sydney turned to look at her, she froze.  The girl had a peculiar look on her face.
    “ What?” Sidney said self-consciously.
    “ If you are to prove you are worthy of the Knights, Thomas and Kiki La Rue, then you will have to fight for them, to the death,” Rissa said with flourish.
    “ What the fuck are you babbling about?” Calli laughed.
    “ Like in the old days, when the Knights would prove to the woman that they deserved their charms, well, this time she has to prove she is worthy.  What better way than to put herself in danger, then have them rescue her,” Rissa said.
    “ Great, have you been watching that damn old lifetime channel they pump out to make the shifters think everything is happy?  It is propaganda!” Cherri grumbled.
    “ I know, but they are so cute, especially when the women run screaming from the bad guy.  Like that would ever fucking happen, but it is entertaining.  I think I have the scream down so when Mr. Twisted wants to play, I can act terrified,” Rissa said.
    “ TMI!”  Cherri covered her ears.
    “ Ha, you wish your mates were as

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