Surprise Mating

Free Surprise Mating by Jana Leigh

Book: Surprise Mating by Jana Leigh Read Free Book Online
Authors: Jana Leigh
into him until every last bit of come was drained from his cock.
    The two men fell to the side , enveloping each other in their blissful haze when Kiki heard the first crack and screamed as the bed collapsed around them.

Chapter Seven
    “What the holy fuck was that?” Calli bellowed as they neared the cabin that Kiki’s and Thomas’s scent led them to.
    “ I think we should maybe knock first,” Rissa laughed.
    “ Please, they just left us, they aren’t already fucking, Kiki was all upset about leaving us, and he is probably crying and sobbing inside right now,” Cherri said.  They listened as the laughter from the two men began to filter out to them.
    “ Oh really?” Calli said.
    “ Kiki, get your ass out here right now,” Rissa said, stomping her foot.  The others had gone in different directions, but Calli, Cherri, and Rissa had come this way, they knew they would find them, and they didn’t want Sydney anywhere near them when they did.
    They heard muffled arguing and Rissa rolled her eyes.  “”They were doing the nasty.”
    “ How could they?  Kiki said he would tell all afterward, it was a pact, damn it.”  Cherri pouted.
    “ Damn, I wonder if they claimed each other,” Calli said.  “I mean I get why they would, but I kinda feel sorry for the little sprite.  She screwed up bad.”
    “ They can handle it,” Rissa said confidently.  “Sydney won’t be able to hold out for long with these two hunka-hunka burning loves.”
    “ Would you stop talking about us like that, we can hear you!” Thomas yelled.
    “ Of course you can, cat hearing and all,” Calli drawled as the two men appeared with their clothes a mess.  Kiki had his shirt mis-buttoned and Thomas only had one shoe on.  The girls laughed and waited while they struggled to right themselves.  Finally Kiki stood still and waited for Thomas who tucked in his shirt and then said, “What do you want?”
    “ So are you leaving the Drekinn?” Calli asked suspiciously.
    “ No, we are getting away for a while so we can deal with only each other.  Kade and Dec said they had heard about the clans up north, we thought we would go and check them out,” Thomas said and Kiki nodded.
    “ Are you running away?” Rissa said, folding her arms.
    Thomas ’s face turned to granite and he shook his head, “Absolutely not,” while Kiki nodded.
    The girls laughed and looked at the two men.  “ So you mated?” Cherri said with a hurt tone in her voice while she stared at the mark on Kiki’s neck that he was wearing proudly.
    “ Yeah,” Thomas said, and looked at Kiki and smiled and then back to their leaders.  “Listen, I don’t want to piss you off, but this is bullshit.  We just need to get our heads wrapped around a few things.  Kiki and I will go and see if we can find something new to help us.  I know we were talking about infiltrating the Prentiss Agency and Sydney would be great at that, I am just not sure how much I can help with that.  To be honest, I am just pissed right now.” 
    Kiki stepped up, “ We will be back in a few weeks, just give us a little time, will ya?”
    Calli pursed her l ips and then looked at her friends who nodded.  “Fine, but if you are not back in two weeks, I will be sending a search party out.  It will take us that long to get the mission ready.  Please, promise me though, you will at least be here a few days before we send her in, you know, to settle things.”
    They agreed and then the men gathered their belongings, went to where the wall was, and climbed it.  Once they were over, Rissa turned and said, “ Did you see the way Kiki was walking? Thomas must be huge.”
    “ Bitches,” Kiki called over the wall and they laughed.
    The vampire stood off to the side as the two men dropped down from the wall.  He couldn’t hear anyone on the other side, but he knew they were there, he could feel them.  One of the men yelled over his shoulder and then they began to

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