
Free GirlMostLikelyTo by Barbara Elsborg

Book: GirlMostLikelyTo by Barbara Elsborg Read Free Book Online
Authors: Barbara Elsborg
meet the triplets?”
    The result wasn’t pretty. Most of the beer went back into
his glass, the rest he wiped from his chin.
    “I called them Harry, Ron and Hermione.”
    It took a moment for his befuddled brain to get it and then
he huffed a chuckle of relief.
    Wren smiled. “I went on the Pill before I left for Italy,
just in case. Not that I—well, you turned out to be my ‘in case’.” She gulped.
“Though I didn’t know if you were…the type of guy who usually…” She chewed her
lip as her smile slid away.
    Oh Christ. He leaned forward. “I’d never had sex
without a condom before. I haven’t since.” His hand tightened on his glass.
“I’m really sorry.”
    “I got checked, just in case. Three months of…anxiety.
Some…things don’t show for six months, but I figured after three I was okay.”
    Oh my God. He hadn’t even thought about going to a
clinic. He’d assumed because she hadn’t had sex before— fuck .
    “I am so sorry,” he said quietly. “I don’t think I
can say that enough times. I’ve no right to ask for forgiveness…” His voice
trailed off. “You think you could?”
    “There’s nothing to forgive. I didn’t say stop. I wanted you
as much as you wanted me. Neither of us was thinking straight. It was the most
exciting night of my life.” Her voice dropped to a whisper. “I didn’t want it
to end.”
    His lungs locked. Did that mean she wanted to try again?
    “But when it did, I…” She sighed. “We got carried away. The
music, the dancing. I swear the air tasted different that night. Maybe it was
better we parted. Could be the crowd knew something we didn’t, that it meant
more in our lives as a moment snatched and there was no future in it.”
    Adam wanted to reach for her hand and instead picked up his
sandwich. Was she saying no, then? His cock wasn’t listening but his brain was
telling him— you’re here for three weeks, then you’re back in London. Going
to fuck her and walk away again? Is that what Tomas had been thinking
yesterday? That starting something that could go nowhere was a mistake?
    He was racing well ahead of himself. Just because she hadn’t
had triplets with him—and for one crazy moment when she’d said the word
triplets, he’d felt his world expand—it didn’t mean she hadn’t had kids with
someone else.
    No ring on her finger, but still…
    “What brings you to Ezispeke?” she asked.
    “I’m having a few weeks off work. I’m not good at relaxing
so this is a sort of holiday.”
    Adam was not going to tell Wren what Ally had signed
him up to study because the moment he got back to the school, he was going to
switch courses from Russian to Italian. Though the answer to his next question
might make that a bad idea.
    “Are you married, engaged or otherwise taken?” He cursed the
croak in his voice.
    “No, no and no.” She met his gaze. “Are you?”
    If she’d said yes, maybe it would have been easier, but Adam
could feel his cock preening. He could almost hear it purr. How could someone
as cute as her not have a boyfriend? With that pixie-cut hair and big brown
eyes, she— why is she staring at me? Fuck. She’d asked him a
    “No,” he blurted. “Unless you count being married to my
business, which takes up far too much of my time.”
    Adam heard Caspar’s response in his head. Because you let
it. And the guy was right. Adam had worked hard to build his company. He’d
sacrificed his social life to make money because that was what he’d learned
from his parents. He should have known better. Without someone to share his
success, the effort seemed pointless. Adam wanted someone who belonged to him,
someone he could belong to. He wanted what Caspar and Ally had.
    Maybe Wren was the one. Fate, coincidence, or pure dumb luck
had brought them together twice and this time, he wouldn’t let her slip through
his fingers. Maybe he shouldn’t have let Tomas slip through his fingers either.
He should have spoken to

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