Finding You (By You #3)

Free Finding You (By You #3) by Kelly Harper

Book: Finding You (By You #3) by Kelly Harper Read Free Book Online
Authors: Kelly Harper
    When they made it out to her car, he blew out a soft whistle. "Nice Volvo."
    "Yeah, my parents spoiled me when I turned sixteen. I love her."
    "What's her name?"
    Sarah looked up at him over the car. "Her name?"
    "Don't tell me you didn't name your car. It gives it some personality."
    "No, I did." Sarah gave him a surprised look. Jeremy definitely wasn't like any of the other guys she knew. There was no way any of them would have thought to ask that. "Penelope."
    He blew out a soft whistle and ran a finger along the gold trim line. "That's a good name."
    Sarah grinned at him, and they climbed into the car. He gave her directions on getting off campus and to the highway, but he didn't tell her exactly where they were going. As they drove towards downtown, Sarah was convinced that Houston was made up of all highways--it was a confusing mess. If he wasn't with her, there was no way that she would have been able to find where they were supposed to be going. It definitely wasn't anything like Green Falls. Even San Antonio felt tiny by comparison.
    When they finally got off the highway, they were in a part of town that Sarah had never been before. It was an older part of town, but it had a certain charm to it, all the same. Jeremy told her which streets to turn down, and before long she was seeing signs for the University of St. Thomas. He had her pull into a parking lot across the street from it.
    "There's another university this close to Franklin?" she asked, as they got out of the car.
    "There are a ton of schools in Texas--and quite a few of them here in Houston," he said.
    "Yeah, I guess so," she agreed.
    They walked down the block a ways, and Sarah started to see that the area around St. Thomas felt much like it did over at Franklin. There was a certain youthfulness and vibrancy to it that put her mind at ease--made her feel at home. Which was saying a lot, considering just how nervous she was with Jeremy there.
    Keep it together, everything's going fine .
    "So where are we going?" she asked, finally.
    Jeremy flashed a grin at her.
    "You're about to see," he said.
    As they rounded a corner, a small restaurant appeared before them with a crammed parking lot. Scrawled on the side of the building, in what looked like it had to be graffiti, was the name-- Eatsie Boys . Getting closer to the entrance, Sarah realized that the graffiti wasn't vandalism or anything like that--it was part of the decor.
    "What is this place?" she asked, a curious smile spreading across her face.
    Jeremy shrugged. "You said you were new to Houston, so I thought it would be nice to show you a little of what the city has to offer. This is one of my favorite little places to eat."
    Jeremy hopped in front of her and held the door open. She flashed him a nervous smile as she walked past.
    The restaurant wasn't anything like she'd seen before. There was shouting and hollering coming from behind the counter, and the line in front could barely be called that much. It better resembled a chaotic mob of people that still somehow managed to get their orders in and get seated at one of the many tables in the dining room without causing too much trouble or confusion.  
    "All of the slogans and menu items are named after the Beastie Boys and their music," Jeremy said. "It was started by three guys a couple years ago after their food truck started getting swamped with customers and they decided they needed something bigger."
    Looking around, Sarah saw what he was talking about. She wasn't too familiar with the Beastie Boys and their music, but she knew the hits. The menu had all kinds of things of food on it, but most of the references were too obscure for her.
    "This place is incredible," she said, the smile on her face spreading even wider.
    They didn't have to wait long to put in their order, and afterward they found a table near the windows on the far side of the dining room. They set out their order number on the edge of the table for the staff to

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