The Spanish Outlaw

Free The Spanish Outlaw by Marie Higgins

Book: The Spanish Outlaw by Marie Higgins Read Free Book Online
Authors: Marie Higgins
his uncle or his men to harm her.
    Growling in frustration, he stretched the kinks out of his neck and rolled his shoulders trying to alleviate the tenseness. Although he didn’t want Vivian hurt, leaving her alone to deal with his uncle was out of the question. Vivian could not have a life on the run as he did, but she must if he had to protect her. 
    He must bring her with him.
    The proof of Anton’s identity would cease the lies his uncle spread, but Anton would have to return to Spain to his island to obtain this verification. There was one article he knew his uncle hadn’t tampered with. Unless, of course, his uncle had the orchard dug up completely and found Anton’s hiding spot.
    With the decision firmly rooted in his mind, he lodged the wagon in Vivian’s barn and stalled the horses. She might not agree with his plans, but he’d force her—if necessary—for her own good. His heart skipped with anticipation. He wouldn’t be saying good-bye to her after all.
    He must convince her this was the only way. For both of them.
    Not only would he be protecting her, but once the true story about his identity came out, her employer might give her a promotion. Anton chuckled to himself. He didn’t think she would see things that way, and he almost looked forward to their confrontation.
    As he approached the house, the light from the kitchen window drew his attention. Vivian sat at the table, the parted curtains doing very little to hide her from view. She stared at the coffee cup in front of her. The lamp burned high, illuminating her profile and making her more beautiful than he’d imagined. Long brownish blonde hair waved down her back and shoulders, and she wore a full-sleeve white wrapper over her nightdress.
    He groaned. This was not good at all. No matter how his body tried to convince him otherwise, he had to control his attraction to her. Restraint was the key to their successful journey. He had to keep his wits about him to defeat Juanito.
    Instead of tapping on the window and scaring her half to death, he moved to the front door and knocked. “ Vivian? It is Anton.”
    Within seconds she opened the door and let him in. “How did everything go?”
    He closed the door and locked it. “Nobody spotted me. The man is resting near the road as we speak. Somebody will come across him soon.”
    She frowned. “Oh, Anton. I’m so sorry I got you into this muddle.”
    Unshed tears swam in her big eyes, and his heart ached. He cupped her chin. “It is not your fault.”
    “How can you say that? If I hadn’t tried to find you, your uncle would still be searching without any clues, and that man would be conscious.”
    He gathered her in his arms. “Men like that do not deserve your sympathy. Men like Señor Gomez make other lives miserable for their own sheer pleasure. If I had not harmed him now, I would have hurt him in the near future to protect myself from being the victim.”
    She nodded. “I know. I just feel so terrible.”
    “As do I, but Vivian, he attacked you. All that passed through my head at that moment was to stop him.” He stroked her cheek. “Do not worry about it any longer. I have come up with a way to stop my uncle.”
    Her eyes widened. “How?”
    “I have proof of my identity, but it is back at my home on the island.”
    “Indeed? Are you certain your uncle hasn’t found it and destroyed it?”
    He chuckled. “I hope not. This was something my uncle did not know about. After my parents died, I buried it in the yard.”
    “How very clever.”
    “ Gracias .”
    “When will you leave to go back?”
    “As soon as I can obtain passage to Spain.”
    Her body stiffened. “Why so quickly?”
    “Because I want my uncle stopped immediately. All of this will be solved once I show the proper documents to higher authorities.”
    Her expression wavered before her gaze rested on his chest. “Will you come back and see me when it’s over?”
    His heart soared and he wanted to smother her with

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