Faith of the Heart

Free Faith of the Heart by Jewell Tweedt

Book: Faith of the Heart by Jewell Tweedt Read Free Book Online
Authors: Jewell Tweedt
he understood her situation perfectly. “Why , indeed, indeed Miss Secord. But I am obligated to inform you that a business account and a loan already exist for the mercantile.”
                  Claire faltered at this new information, startled. “A loan? S he asked, her voice sounding faint. “W hat do you mean a loan?”
                  Dawson scowled , a practiced banker’s frown, preparing to relay unfortunate information to an unsuspecting customer.
    “My dear, your aunt and uncle were decent folk, kind and generous, but they were lacking in, shall we say, business savvy? They were careless in their bookkeeping and accounts receivable. That is to say, they often brushed aside a debt when a customer could not pay. Many a time I tried to warn them that their kindness would lead to troubles, but they always said the Lord would provide.” Dawson sneered in dis gust . It was obvious that he didn’t believe a word—the bank would provide and everyone else was slave to the system.
    He continued, “Th e Lord may provide , but loans must be repaid and mortgage payments come due . ”
                  Claire gathered her thoughts, trying to regroup, and regain control of the situation. “Mr. Dawson, what are you telling me? That I’m in debt? That I owe on a loan and a mortgage for the mercantile?” She stuttered out the questions, hands wringing nervously in her lap, afraid of the answer she knew was coming.
                  “That’s exactly what I am saying. I thought it only proper to give you time to grieve for your relations and to get on your feet with the business before burdening you wih this news. As you can imagine, I was exceptionally glad to see you come in my door today. You saved me the unfortunate business of paying to a call to collect. Now we can discuss your situation in private.” Mr. Dawson leaned back in his chair and mopped his brow before reaching into a drawer to withdraw a sheath of papers.
                  “ This is the loan , for the purchasing of goods and the mortgage amount on the building that you work and reside in.” He slid the papers across the shiny oak desk.
                  Claire hesitated and then grabbed up the documents. She pale d and her heart sank as she quickly scanned the papers.
    Dear sweet Gin and Richard, what have you done , she thought disparagingly. Oh my heavens!
    Her mind began to race. All that merchandise she’d found in the storage area, here was the loan for that; the little rooms she now thought of as home and her beloved little store, reduced on paper to stark black numbers. Claire didn’t have near the funds to pay off the l oa n, and she had never been faced with a similar situation. Cared for by her parents, Caleb, and the Buckleys , never once had she been in debt. Even her life savings and the earnings from the store would only cover a small portion of the amount she was now responsible for.
                  The banker sat back in his chair, his arms folded over his ample midsection. His beady eyes were searching Claire’s face as she struggled to hide her emotions from him. She could feel him staring at her and she inwardly cringed as she realized he was expecting her to cave at any moment, crying and sobbing in womanly frustration.
    H e cleared his voice loudly, breaking the silence. “ Now Miss Secord, I know that this is a shock to your delicate system, but we can take care of this problem today. There is some collateral in the business and the bank is willing to forego the mortgage and the loan in exchange for the title of the establishment.”
                  Claire caught a steel glimmer in his eye.
    Why , that dirty son-of-a-gun! He wants my store. He thinks he ’ s got some helpless little girl here and he ’ s going to steal my store. He doesn ’ t know who he ’ s dealing with! Sign over my store! I should say

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