Foundation of Love: The Gypsy Blessing 2

Free Foundation of Love: The Gypsy Blessing 2 by Wendi Sotis

Book: Foundation of Love: The Gypsy Blessing 2 by Wendi Sotis Read Free Book Online
Authors: Wendi Sotis
out with Anne in tow. “I can’t get away with anything today, can I? Let this be a lesson to you, Will—never date a college girl. They’re too smart for us.”
    William felt heat rise to his cheeks. Mercifully, only Richard was looking at him since everyone else’s attention was drawn away by a male voice at the door to the hallway.
    “Well! This is a nice surprise. What are you all doing here?”
    “Charles? Is something wrong at the office?” William was concerned.
    “Of course not. Didn’t I tell you I was driving my girlfriend to school this weekend? This is Jane.” He grinned at the woman standing next to him.
    “Your Jane is Jane Bennett ? Excellent!” Richard smiled widely. “I must inform you that I am Jane’s honorary brother, Charles, and will behave as such.” Richard turned to Jane. “Fortunately for him, I can report that he has said nothing but wonderful things about our Jane.”
    As the others began speaking about the coincidence, Elizabeth turned to Will. “I gather from your question that you work with Charles?”
    “Yes... and Richard.” William forced his lips into a slight smile. How can I apologize for my earlier behavior if I can’t even speak to her?
    After the last of the introductions were made, the men went down to Charles’s SUV to bring up the remainder of the Bennetts’ belongings.
    Elizabeth decided to finish what she had been doing in her room instead of risking another confrontation with William right away. She could hear voices and moved toward her open window to see that Charles’s SUV happened to be parked on the street just below her. Smiling when she heard Charles talking about his “angel,” Elizabeth then heard Richard ask William why he was acting like such an jerk today. She decided to close the window to avoid tempting herself with eavesdropping on their conversation.
    So, apparently, this is not his usual behavior. But it is normal for him when it comes to dealing with me. Every single time I’ve answered the dorm phone, he was rude.
    Elizabeth sat on the bed and hugged her pillow to her chest.
    And yet, Anne and Richard have such high opinions of him. During the weekend I was with Georgiana in the city, she spoke of him in such glowing terms, and so did their housekeeper, Mrs. Reynolds. They all make him sound like a wonderful person. There must be more to him than I’ve seen. It’s so confusing.
    His incredibly disappointing behavior toward her was at odds with all that.
    Maybe he has something against me personally? Based on what, though? I doubt he would allow his sister to live here if his opinion of me is that bad.
    Elizabeth sighed deeply, pressed a icon on her cell phone, and scrolled through to the second photo she had received of William Darcy. His clear blue eyes had seemed to melt her very soul, the same way they had every time his gaze met hers today.
    He seems to like my work. I’d think he’d want to meet the person responsible for most of the designs for Lambton Village. But, since I can’t sign the plans, it’s possible he doesn’t even know I drew them. I know uncle is proud of me, but maybe his partners don’t want Will to know that a mere intern is designing his buildings—with help, of course. If he does know, could Will think of me as a sort of employee and feel I’m too far beneath him to treat nicely? I’ve only worked for my father and uncle, but I’ve heard from others that some employers are like that.
    She turned to look at her reflection in the mirror and raised her chin.
    I will act civilly toward him—give him the respect he deserves as a client and a friend and relative to my friends—but no more. Anything else I feel is just physical attraction and means nothing. I’ll only be hurt if I follow those impulses!
    Elizabeth gave up on the work she was supposed to be accomplishing in her room, knowing that if she stayed there alone, she’d end up thinking about him instead. Overhearing Anne mention that the

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