Aroused (Taming Himself Book 1)

Free Aroused (Taming Himself Book 1) by Kia Carrington-Russell

Book: Aroused (Taming Himself Book 1) by Kia Carrington-Russell Read Free Book Online
Authors: Kia Carrington-Russell
to go to. Amy was still young, twenty-two, and was focused on her modelling career. I could admire her for her determination, although it didn’t excuse the fact that she could be a bit of a ditz and was still very immature. I didn’t not like Amy though; if I didn’t like her I wouldn’t have had her on my list. It wasn’t just because she was a model or gave good head. There was something unique about Amy: her determination and ambition. She was somewhat known and wouldn’t be the worst to take as a girlfriend for my own reputation.
                  “I’m sorry I’m late.” Amy strutted in with a smile as an apology for her lateness. Her short white dress blended nicely with her beige jacket.
                  “Happy birthday, baby girl,” I said. I stood up and gave her a hug. She kissed me on the lips with a devilish smile.
                  “I’m so happy I could share this night with you,” she squealed. “And I really do love this restaurant.” She looked around excitedly. I pulled out her seat and pushed her back in. She lingered her hand over mine, still looking around. “I hope I didn’t keep you waiting too long.”
                  “Not at all,” I lied with a charming smile. “This is for you,” I said, pulling out a jewelry box from my inner pocket. I slid it over the table. She looked between the box and me with bright blue eyes and a wide smile.
                  “You shouldn’t have,” she said as she grabbed the boxed item. She pulled away the red ribbon from the black box. She gasped in shock at the white pearl necklace. “Oh baby, you know I love pearls.” I smiled in response, proud of myself for picking out the present personally. Amy was easy to shop for because she always made it known what she did and didn’t like. It made it easier for me. So many women in the past would say, ‘I don’t want anything’ or ‘You will know what to get.’ And when I arrived with a present they made my life hell for the rest of the day.
                  “Spin around,” I said. She did, taking off the blue necklace she had on. I replaced it with the pearls and trailed my fingers down her white cocktail dress. She looked over her shoulder with a devilish smile and then took her seat.
                  “I love it so much,” she streaked red across her cheeks. Grabbing my hand, she stroked over my thumb and nibbled on the bottom of her lip. “I’m sorry about the other day. I might have been a little too cruel.”
                  “A little?” I said, raising an eyebrow. I let the bitterness of having to finish myself off slide. “Don’t worry about it, today’s your day.”
                  “You treat me so well,” she gasped excitedly. I called over the waitress who had a wine menu.
                  “You can grab whatever you like,” I said to Amy. She beamed again and looked over the menu. Of course her taste… was expensive.
                  “How is work?” I asked, touching on even ground to create light conversation. She rolled her eyes in response and grunted.
                  “Argh, frustrating,” she said. “So that new model, Susan, I told you about has been nothing but a pain. Can you believe she actually got that cover shot over me?”
    I gave in. Amy was too easy to read, which made it rather easy, I had to admit. She wanted a compliment. “I can’t believe that either, you know you are far more gorgeous then her.” Right on queue she smiled and blushed.
    She threw a daggered stare at the waitress who interrupted and began pouring us both a glass.
                  “Yea I know, and I was close too. It’s probably because she is sleeping with her manager or something. Like it is utterly ridiculous, and I know I could have done so much better. She looks like a goat…” Her words became a blur of chat I

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