Ginny Hartman

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Authors: To Guard Her Heart
parents’ rules had often caused much contention between them. She had often argued that she was just following her heart, but maybe it was more of a willful rebellion on her part than she had previously realized.
    She paused in her ruminations, knowing that he wasn't asking her if she always did as she was instructed, but wanted to know if she found him weak for being honor bound to his duties. When she thought of it like that, she knew her answer immediately. “Not at all. I don't imagine there is a weak bone in your body.”
    She watched as his face broke into a smile at her response. Was he amused by her answer? Finally, he reached up and removed his helmet from his head, dangling it from two fingers as he lowered it to his side. His hair was plastered to his head with sweat, and the faint shadows under his eyes revealed to her that he must be exhausted, but there was still something about him that made her insides feel as if they were turning to mush. She pressed both of her hands to her midsection, as if the action could cause the feeling to flee.
    “There's a stream not too far from here. I will lead Stephen there so he can get a drink before we must resume our journey.”
    Rosalind only nodded, then watched silently as he led the horse to the water, bending to splash some of the cool liquid on his face and hair as well. Now that they were away from the castle, the first inklings of doubt began to form about being alone with him. She had only been thinking about adventure and getting away from the stifling Brigit. She hadn't taken the time to anticipate the full consequences of her actions. The next few days could prove to be very awkward—she wasn't quite sure how to act around men, especially one as handsome as him.
    Trying to distance herself from both Terric and her uncomfortable thoughts, she walked further upstream from the man and his destrier. The morning air was still crisp, but Rosalind couldn't resist slipping her feet from her shoes. Lifting the hem of her dress, she dipped one toe cautiously in the water before withdrawing it suddenly at the overwhelming coldness. She laughed nervously before glancing towards Terric to see if he was watching her. When she was satisfied that he wasn't, she braved submersing one foot fully into the water before letting the other one follow.
    Her feet felt as if they were quickly turning to ice, but it was oddly refreshing nonetheless. She found her footing on the slippery rocks at the bottom of the stream and took a few tentative steps. Starting to feel confident, she chanced another step, but her foot came down on the sharp corner of a jagged rock, causing her to moan in agony and withdraw her foot suddenly, causing her dubious balance to wane. Arms flailing, she fell back, her bottom end meeting with the hard ground of the riverbank. Great, she thought, she had most likely just stained one of only two dresses she had with her for her journey to Peltis. Her mother would not be amused and would surely insist on an entire wardrobe to replace the one she didn't bring with her.
    Glancing downstream, she desperately hoped that Terric had not witnessed her blunder. With relief, she noticed that his back was turned to her, though his shoulders seemed to be shaking. Was he laughing at her? Bolting upright, she felt her cheeks flame red. Why was she always embarrassing herself in his presence? Surely he must think her extremely incompetent. Brushing her backside off, she waited for her feet to dry before replacing her shoes and making her way to where Terric was standing.
    Hearing her approach, Terric turned towards her. She willed herself not to blush as he looked at her, his eyes sliding towards her feet, then up to her now-stained dress before settling his clear, blue eyes once more on her face.  “There won't be time for you to change, or any place decent for you to freshen up for that matter.”
    “Do you hear me complaining?” she snapped back, unsure of why she felt so

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