Ginny Hartman

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Authors: To Guard Her Heart
peevish at his statement.
    “I just thought that...”
    “Well you thought wrong. I'm not like most princesses you know. My clothing is dirty more often than not, and it doesn't bother me one bit.”
    Terric smiled at her then, an infectious smile that seemed to brighten the overcast morning. She felt the funny feeling start in the pit of her stomach once more before it seemed to spread, first upwards into her chest then branching out into her limbs. Her arms began to feel tingly and weightless. Glancing briefly over Terric's shoulder, she saw a slow mist crawling towards them, shimmering with vibrant colors. She cocked her head to one side as she viewed the intrusion, mesmerized by its beckoning call. Ignoring Terric's curious stare, she stepped around him and began walking towards the wisps of color. Feeling a strong hand wind around her forearm and pull her back, she blinked, snapping out of her reverie.
    “Are you well, Your Highness?” Terric asked in a worried voice.
    Shaking her head to try and dispel it of the fog that had settled on her senses, she turned to look at him, but the effort proved too much. Suddenly weak, she slid to the ground in front of him, cradling her head in her hands, as she stared at the grass beneath her legs.
    Terric knelt before her, “Are you well? Perhaps you should eat; your strength has failed you.”
    Rosalind responded without raising her head, “Mayhap that would help; thank you.”
    Terric rose and went and rummaged through his saddle bag until he found some dried strips of meat and some almonds. Returning, he extended his hand and offered them to her. They sat in silence as she ate, her strength seemingly returning, albeit slowly.
    When the food was entirely consumed, she turned to him, her face still pale, “Strange things happen when I'm around you.”
    Stunned, he asked, “Whatever do you mean? We've only been around each other...”
    She cut him off, “Four times, if you count earlier in my bedchambers as a separate time than now. And, each time I have felt...well, strange.”
    “How so?”
    Rosalind thought a moment, unsure of how she was going to explain to him what had just occurred. Finally she spoke, “I feel funny inside. My limbs become weak and I...” His hitched breath caused her to stop speaking. She looked at him curiously, but when he didn't say anything, she continued, “I see these wisps of translucent color swirling towards me, almost beckoning me to them. I've never touched them, but I wonder what would happen if I dared.”
    “Is that all that happens?” he asked.
    “Yes, that's all. When the wisps leave I feel faint, drained of all my strength, like now.” Turning imploring violet eyes on him she asked, “What could it mean?”
    Terric rubbed one hand over his chin methodically, as if it would somehow help him think more fully. “Are you sure it only occurs when I am around?”
    “Certain. The first time it happened was upon our first meeting in the woods, the day you found me searching for cudworth berries. That's why I was lying in the grass when you approached. I hadn't the strength to rise.”
    “Curious,” he said, still rubbing his chin, his eyes taking on a faraway look. When his gaze came into focus, there was humor dancing in his eyes. “It could only mean one thing—you are hopelessly in love with me.”
    Rosalind gasped, her face burning with heat. She could feel the blush rise from her throat and pour over her face. “What an audacious thing to say! I don't even know you, how could I be in love with you? ”
    Terric started laughing then. He stood, reaching forth one hand to assist her, which she took reluctantly. “I'm only just jesting. Your strange episodes are most likely a result of poor nutrition and too much sun.”
    “Too much sun?” she asked dryly. “Is there ever such a thing in Darth?”
    He smiled. “We need to be on our way. I'm certain I have nothing to do with these odd occurrences you've spoken of. I'll

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