Patience: Biker Romance (The Davis Chapter Book 1)

Free Patience: Biker Romance (The Davis Chapter Book 1) by Davida Lynn

Book: Patience: Biker Romance (The Davis Chapter Book 1) by Davida Lynn Read Free Book Online
Authors: Davida Lynn
have but to listen?

    “Just whose side are you on? If you find out your real name, or if the DEA gets a hold of you, what then? Sure, you could pull yourself off the assignment, but they’d just send somebody else. You could also do nothing and wait until they disavow you. As long as they don’t arrest you for treason or some shit, you get to start fresh.”

    As if I didn’t have enough to worry about, Trask was asking the toughest questions yet. Where did my loyalties lie?

    I put my hands up, shaking my head, “Look Trask, this is also new to me. I really don’t know—“

    “There’s a third option, too.” Trask went on talking like I hadn’t said a word. “The third option goes something like this. We do find out your real identity. You do get in contact with your handlers, again. In this scenario, though, your loyalty stays with us.” Trask watched me for a reaction.

    For a long time, I didn’t react. It was a lot to take in, and I wasn’t going to jump into anything. He was asking me to become a double agent. He wanted me to feed the DEA whatever information the Rising Sons wanted. It was dangerous for all parties involved, and he knew it. That one word came to mind: treason .

    “Exactly why do the Rising Sons need a double agent? Was the DEA actually onto something? If you need someone to spread false information, the real information must be pretty bad.”This time, I was trying to read Trask. One thing was for sure; he had one hell of a poker face.

    Thunder didn’t say anything. I had to respect that about him. He knew when to not get involved in something. He was a new member, and he was already walking a tight rope when it came to drugs.

    A smile came onto Trask’s face, “Well, obviously if there was anything illegal going on—” Trask leaned in and shifted his eyes like a silent film villain, “Which there isn’t—”

    He was smart, I had to give them that. The more time I spend with Trask, the more I understood why he was the president. A lesser man could’ve walked into a trap like that far too easy.

    “I surely wouldn’t tell you about it until I knew where your loyalties lie. Even if there isn’t anything illegal going on, we obviously have eyes on us. I don’t know when Uncle Sam turned into a peeping Tom, but it doesn’t sit well with me. If the club can feed the right information to the right people, maybe feuds with rival bike clubs could end with a lot less bloodshed. Maybe illegal activities begat illegal activities. By the same token, maybe illegal activities begat legal activities.” Trask turned his hands up and laid them on the table as if to say That’s all I have to offer.

    I was absentmindedly biting at the inside of my mouth. It was another tick and characteristic I was learning about myself. It must have been something I did when I was deep in thought. It must have been something I did when I faced a life-changing decision.

    The silence one on for a little bit before I finally broke it, “I’ll make a decision after I learn what the Devil’s Branch knows.”

    Trask nodded. My respect for him was growing by the second. By all accounts, bikers were brash, id-driven, man childs. Trask was none of those things. He was thoughtful and intelligent, and something that really stuck out to me: respectful. It felt like as soon as he knew I was no longer Patience, all of those misconceptions he had fell away. He was willing to listen and reason with me.

    Between the president and Thunder, I had a lot to think about. Trask presented me with three paths. Maybe the only three paths. No matter which one I chose, I was betraying somebody or something. My suppose it allegiance to the government didn’t survive the memory wipe, but the fear of arrest was still there.

    Yes, I wanted to know what the Devil’s Branch knew about me, but I also desperately wanted to buy time.

    Thunder jumped in, “I don’t know how, but they knew she was an agent. Somebody there

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