A Wolfish Tryst at Christmas
    A Wolfish Tryst
    at Christmas
    Sandra Sookoo
    Smashword Edition
    This is a work of fiction.
Names, characters, places, and incidents either are the product of
the author’s imagination or are used fictitiously, and any
resemblance to actual persons living or dead, business
establishments, events, or locales, is entirely
    COPYRIGHT 2012 by Sandra
    All rights reserved. No part
of this book may be used or reproduced in any manner whatsoever
without written permission of the author or Twenty or Less
    [email protected]
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    Book Cover Design by
    Snow COPYRIGHT Photomorgana
/ Dreamstime.com
    Wolf COPYRIGHT Jens
Klingebiel / fotolia.com
    Picture of young attractive
girl in ball gowns with a fan COPYRIGHT Dmitriy Cherevko /
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    Praise for Sandra
    A Wolfish
    “ Reading this very
entertaining novella is a wonderful way to wile away an afternoon.
In fact, I read it in one sitting, eager to see what happened next.
I highly recommend A WOLFISH SCANDAL and look forward to reading
more of Ms. Sookoo’s works.”
    ~Dottie, Romance Junkies
    A Wolfish
    “ Lyndal and Grey falling
in love was really sweet and romantic. Parts of the story were
humorous, and certainly the part with her family was frustrating,
sad and sometimes infuriating. I do not want you to get the wrong
idea, but I LOVE SANDRA SOOKOO'S work! I also happen to love
historical romance and werewolves too! I enjoyed the fact that
Franklin seems to have an interest in Hattie (and I'm hoping that
might be another story in this series). ”
    ~Teresa, The Romance Studio
    Cairo Nights
    “… a fantastic, sexy
adventure with just the right mixture of culture and history and
proves this author can write for practically any genre.”
    ~Night Owl Reviews
    To the fans of my “Wolfish”
    You asked about Blake. In this story,
you get a glimpse. Hope you enjoy!
    Corydon, Indiana,
Christmas Eve, 1863
    Elizabeth VanHaussen descended the
curved staircase of her uncle’s house. Faint minstrel music played
by a string quartet drifted to her from the direction of the
conservatory. In the foyer below, the double doors at the front
entrance opened every now and again as more people arrived. A
uniformed butler and maid would scoop up coats, wraps, hats and
gloves then direct the guests to enjoy themselves. Happy female
chatter swirled, tempered by the tense conversation of the
gentleman in a hall off the foyer—even on such a festive occasion,
the War Between the States wouldn’t be forgotten. The soft tinkle
of tiny silver bells sounded each time party guests went
    Miniature thirty-four-starred,
red-and-white- striped flags decorated pine swags over doorways
while glass balls and bells hung from greenery boughs that graced
fireplaces and tables scattered throughout the house. Bowls of
apples and oranges served as centerpieces. Citrus fruit studded
with cloves or decorated with ribbons adorned potted
    She adored Christmas. This one would
be more special than all the rest, and all because of one guest.
Even the war that gripped the nation could not detract from the
anticipation climbing her spine.
    Uncle James swept into the entryway. A
navy dress coat and light blue trousers as well as

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