With Deadly Intent

Free With Deadly Intent by Louise Hendricksen

Book: With Deadly Intent by Louise Hendricksen Read Free Book Online
Authors: Louise Hendricksen
bitchy as hell
     the next.” He scowled and rubbed a hand over his face. “And for no reason I could ever
     make out.”
    â€œHm-m-m, that's not exactly...” she murmured as she absorbed his statement. She touched
     the corner of Elise's mouth. “This petulant droop at the corners of the mouth usually
     accompanies melancholia. But take note of the firm chin. This is a woman who intends to
     get what she wants.”
    Simon grunted in disgust. “Oh, brother. Why couldn't I see it?” He managed a forced
     smile. “Hereafter I'll insist on a photo for you to screen before I jump in with both
    She stared at the floor, then lifted her gaze to meet his. “Would you have listened, if
     anyone had told you? I didn't.”
    He spread his hands. “Who knows?” He lifted the picture. “I used transparent paper in
     case the studio imprinted their name on the back.” He flipped the picture over. “I'll be
    She leaned over his shoulder and read the words scribbled in small, cramped letters
     across one corner. To my Cosky whose talents are endless.
    She let out a squeal and grabbed Simon's arm. “The doctor did it. He knew she was living
     with Oren, knew they intended to marry soon. He gave her an ultimatum and when she
     turned him down, he killed her.”
    Simon considered her announcement with an attitude of amusement. “Is this the forensic
     specialist speaking?”
    Her shoulders sagged. “Okay, it's wishful thinking. But when I get to Lomitas tomorrow, I
     intend to tell Sheriff Calder.”
    Simon frowned. “You're going home?”
    â€œYes. Calder has Dad so bogged down with work, he can't get to Oren's case. I took two
     weeks off to help.”
    â€œCould I go with you? I'd like to talk to Oren. I think the two of us should uh ...
     compare notes.”
    â€œWhat about the trash in your kitchen and your job?”
    â€œI'll have the janitors get rid of the trash. And Global has me on R and R. They're
     probably hoping a change of scene will improve my writing.”
    â€œIn that case you're welcome to come along, but there's one condition.”
    â€œAnd that is?”
    â€œWe stop at the emergency room first.”
    Simon let out an exasperated breath. “Anybody ever tell you you're a pain in the ass?”
    His comment caught her off guard. She hunched her shoulders, wrapped her arms across the
     sudden cramp in her stomach, and forced words between tightly drawn lips. “Yes,
    â€œOh, hell.” Simon reached out to touch her, but she backed away. “Please don't look like
     that, Amy.” He smacked his forehead with the heel of his hand. “Me and my big mouth.”
    What made him think it mattered in the least what he said? She flung him a sharp look.
     “Where's your suitcase?”
    â€œIn the hall closet with my laptop computer. I take both wherever I go.” He stood, and
     bracing himself on the wall, he hopped to the elevator.
    At the emergency room, the doctors diagnosed a fractured fibula. After the ankle was
     cast, they took a taxi to her apartment to get her luggage. Then, with her at the wheel
     of her station wagon, they traveled north through the waning darkness to Anacortes and
     boarded the ferry.
    Wednesday, October 26
    They arrived at Lomitas Island at 7 a.m. and by mutual agreement went directly to her
     aunt's house. To her surprise, her father answered her knock. “Amy!” he shouted, He put
     out an arm and brought her into his embrace. At the same time, he grasped Simon's hand.
     “Good to see you, Simon. Come on inside.”
    â€œSorry to intrude on you like this. Dr. Prescott.” Simon swore as he tried to maneuver
     his crutches through the door B.J. held open.
    B.J. chuckled. “If you'd ever lived on an island, you'd know any break in the monotony is
     a downright pleasure.” He rubbed his bearded

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